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That's cool two kids that take pride in what they do and have people think their cool and **** talk when really neither of us care.
Clearly I have everything if I have gone 160 before.

Ummmmmmmmmmm......No. I have a hard time beleiving that you have the finances to put together said bike yet no money to even buy a disposable camara to take pics with. we are not asking you to take the pics while rideing the bike.......just pics ( close up) of the bike with said chain conversion and mods required to acheive said speed. Now it was me being draged through the dirt for 25 pages I would have provided the pics/proof. What is the tooth count on the front and rear sprocket and how did you go about tensioning the chain? Im sure your freind would be more than happy to use his GoPro to film you riding the bike at 160mph while he follows on his bike and records the speed by showing us how fast his bike is going while following you. Better yet why dont you let one of the forum members ( already established on here) close to you ride the bike to said speed and report back. Its just amazing how people on here will post pics of the smallest things they have done to their bike out of pride for their machine yet you cant come up with even one microscopic tidbit of proof that your XB is what it is.
Well that means your gonna lose when I put a vid up

I want to loose if that means you will post a REAL VID. Im sure there are tons on here that want to be proven wrong...............if you can. I would love to see what componants are needed to acheive this speed....as would others. A detailed report of how it affected you daily riding and how the bike behaves in stop and go traffic or red light to red light.

First off I don't let anyone ride my bike. Second my friend with the go pro doesn't have a street legal bike. Third he just got back from Washington and my bikes being dyno tuned tomorrow. Fourth I have to put my new parts on witch they should all be here fri as well as my bike. So in conclusion give it till this weekend or y'all can call me a liar how's that sound?
Mmk ask twp he knows my bikes at ebr as well as Jobe. Parts are for when the trailer tipped over need to fix a few things. But ok no biggy call me out on that too. Haha yall make me laugh.
well guys i figured it out happened to stop by his boys post and came across this

which would explain everything 110mph=160mph on the speedo and would explain the whole cruising at what he thought was 160mph with his boys. gotta love the whole kl/h thing
That's cool two kids

a two person circle jerk does not make you do 160mph AND on the previous page you said you were not a kid, thats why I posted Jobes quote that your only 19 (with the mentality of a 12 yr old, if that)

Once again you've established yourself as a squid/clown/lameass excuse maker, rrh grow the **** up...

you obviously belong on some squid forum where other like minded squids can brag aboot **** and virtually hi-5 each other....

an empty can makes the most noise once again..

I am sure most of us don't give a flying **** how fast your Super/Uber Buell goes so regardless if you 'win'
(see previous comment aboot acting like a 12 yr old)
your still this forums top clown!

oh here is my immature comment that you may be able to comprehend, did your parents have any children that lived?
?? I have a my speedo just has high miles the whole bike has been replaced that's why I want a new one.
First off I don't let anyone ride my bike.

Fair enough....

Second my friend with the go pro doesn't have a street legal bike.

What a shame........

Third he just got back from Washington

This shouldnt matter since he cant "legaly" ride on public roads,

my bikes being dyno tuned tomorrow

Post pics of the dyno sheet when avalible.....preferably Thurs eavning or Friday. Clearly you have access to the net during the day.

Fourth I have to put my new parts on witch they should all be here fri as well as my bike.

Ummm.......how you plan on dyno tuning YOUR bike tomorrow ( Thursday ) if you wont have it til Friday?
And what parts you puttin on that bad boy?

So in conclusion give it till this weekend or y'all can call me a liar how's that sound?

Seems to be fine with you so far.......well at least the last 25 pages or so.
Cosmetic parts. I bought. My friend has his gopro and he was in Washington. And yes if ebr gives me my dyno sheets I'll be more than happy to post pics up

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