Buell XB explosion!

Buellxb Forum

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Look at his rep points, how are we supposed to ever catch up with that? On the bright side, it proves that all his posts aren't just idle chatter but useful information of one sort or another.



I've recently noticed a few posts disappear, thank you for being spam patrol, what are the requirements to become a Moderator?



Got any word on that custom PM program? We would love that if you've had the time...
Well damn FIDSOL,
Don't know if we'll ever catch him,
'specially since I don't know nothin' 'bout nothin',
but I gave you two credits today...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

PS Maybe 3 before its all over...

"Some people will tell you that slow is good, and it may be, on some days...but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba..."

--HellBuelly Hunter T
Hey Robtk I appreciate that, but remember this!

"Slow is smooth, Smooth is fast, Fast is Buell!"

Add that to your Quote list, those things are the ****!
I'm literally begging my programmer to finish the punch list for this forum. The PM is already 80% complete.

If you're interested in becoming a mod, feel free to shoot me an email and we'll talk about it. [email protected]
Thanks, and I'll shoot a line your way sometime this evening. Have to orchestrate my thoughts.
Any updates on a release or is it up to your Programmer?

He needs to get off his ass asap.

Hope it is coming along.
I was the guy that rode with a tank top ,bandana ,and 501 levis for 25 years....till last month when I was struck by a 19 year old doing 65 on the freeway..o swear IF I ever get back on two wheels rain or sun I am wearing full leathers ,gloves and a helmet"...just the leathers alone would have saved my body form the massive amount of road rash,and broken bones,
Not a preacher, just giving myself hope to one day ride again

[email protected]
Only 7 months ?, just kidding, it's tough to ride when it's cold. I used to ride through the winter as long as there wasn't snow or ice and I wouldn't leave in the rain but I came home in it and snow plenty of times. Now, many years later, my hands are the only part of my body that gets cold but that's all it takes.
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