Caught Speeding... have a Question :(

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You should be thankful for the officer dropping the speed. He could just write you a ticket for your actuall speed. Which then lead to higher fines, and possibly loss of the license. Here in IA, if you are caught going 25 over they can take your license away if they choose. Granted they usually don't and drop it to within about 10-15 over the posted speed limit. But the fact still remains that they can.
I just got my 3rd ticket in 4 months. I was in a rented 2009 Charger SXT. So yeah,
Usually the only way your insurance will find out is if you change policies. If you keep everything the same and keep up on your premiums, all goes un-noticed.

Very true. I was just shopping around for new insurance but then I just got that ticket, so Ill just be keeping my head down cuzz id end up paying more.
I am a cop, and I have never seen a radar that gives you a "print out"
It was wierd Bitter, but the stater that just gave me the ticket had a print out of everything, the only thing hand written was my "actual" speed(91mph). He wrote it 80 in a 70, but all the rest was printed. Its really wierd tho cuzz my last ticket was a 70 in a 60, and it was $144 this one was 80 in a 70 and it was 113, and my first was 50 in a 35 and it was 200( but she clocked me at 85). Im pretty worried atm about my insurance and if they are going to give me **** about taking my license. Guess ill find out soon. =/
What I always worry about is night time, where the cop is parked in a shadow, or under a overpass with NO LIGHTS on. Hiding in the dark...
LOL. I have the feeling that If you, Dave, and I meet up Kajer there would be the recipe for many, many tickets.

LOL You gotta love the well placed adds at the bottom of the page for Traffic Lawyers, etc...

Sweet! Just checked out Washington State traffic laws, and WA does NOT use a point system like many of your states do. But If I get one more ticket in the nect 8months they suspend my license for 30 days. GHEY!

"You dont have to be faster than the cop, just faster than one of your friends" YESSSSS!
Thaloc said:
LOL You gotta love the well placed adds at the bottom of the page for Traffic Lawyers, etc...

What ads?

I haven't ever seen an ad on this site, or any others for that matter; Not since I installed Firefox and Ad Block Plus. ;)
Im at work, and have to run IE. I run Firefox at home. But ya they scan the page and place ads on what is said. So we were all talking about tickets and it was all lawyer stuff. I noticed last night on the "Gun toting american" thread they were all about guns. Good mail does the same, scans your email for keywords so it can ad to you specifically.
RHYNOXB9R, I know I couldn't any longer, but I have calmed down alot from that period in my life. Having a little one to be around to see him ride changes your perspective on life, liberty and all the rest. Cory is Three and the highlight of my 40+ years.
I finally found out the cost of my ticket. its only $95.00 bucks. I have decided to just pay it and take a defensive driving course. I really appreciate all of the advice from everyone and I am thankful that the officer gave me a break on the actual speed. I believe he cut me a break becasue he saw my FOP cards and new that I was currently in the process of joining law enforcement so he didnt want to jeopardize my chances. you cant hate on the officers [up] so far cooperation with police have turned out to be beneficial for me.
Thaloc...the print out was probably the ticket itself. Some of the computers in the cars will print the ticket out and then the info is sent directly to the court. However, the radar itself, normally does not print out a reading. Mainly because radar jumps around so much when there is a lot of traffic.

1SexyBuell...don't worry about the speeding tickets...I had 2 tickets when I applied...I was worried, but they didn't even care. More worried about actual crimes and drugs.
bitter rod said:
...I had 2 tickets when I applied...but they didn't even care...More worried about actual crimes...

LOL, so you're saying speeding isn't a crime? or much of one anyway...


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