Chaps ok on a Buell?

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I bought a pair of Kevlar jeans a couple sizes bigger than my work pants. they offer slide protection, block most of the wind out, and don't look super abnormal. :D
I always use a soft shell jacket under my leather jacket... As far as my legs go, leather pants with thermals do the trick.
I have a pair of leather insulated ones I wore last year in 20 degree weather.... Made it easy to get to my pockets, took the pain of away from debris getting kicked up into my shins and kept my legs warm and still allowed ventilation to my junk and butt... so no worrying about damp jeans etc. Will still save you more skin than riding without if you went down. Even then I will venture to say, they plus the heat from motor on my xb were still a little warm together... (My rides only about 30 min if theres traffic.) If your expecting rain though.. you might want to go for something that waterproofs the parts collecting water from the saddle. The leather gets damn heavy too after soaking up some rain water.

Screw the fashion police, they don't have to ride your ride for your commute in the weather you ride in.
Overpants, I strip out when I get to work - zipper to thigh = easy on-off. As far as warmth, I don't ride much in winter, but I've never worn it with the waterproof liner cause it burns me up so they may be just the thing: Scorpion Overpants

- Designed and manufactured to literally save your butt

- Ballistic nylon mesh provides cool airflow and protection

- A removable wind and waterproof liner can be zipped in to add warmth when needed

- CE-approved articulate armor in the knees and hips combines protection and ease with movement

- Big zippered pockets keep cargo safely stored and wide legs can be worn outside of the boots

Onelogue is right, and pics or it didn't happen
Haha, if I go the chaps route, they won't be fringed, or studded, or concho'd, or frilly, or furry. Just plain jane black lol.

Screw the fashion police, they don't have to ride your ride for your commute in the weather you ride in.
Word! You're exactly right.

Overpants, I strip out when I get to work - zipper to thigh = easy on-off.  As far as warmth, I don't ride much in winter, but I've never worn it with the waterproof liner cause it burns me up so they may be just the thing:  Scorpion Overpants
My buddy owns a pair of those and really likes them. Not sure if he has the liner in either or not. If I go the overpant route, I'll probably just use my ski pants and save me some $$
Its my knees that get coldest.

I got a pair if bilt textile over pants from cycle gear that are awesome but I don't wear them anymore. Our winters are pretty wet.
My brother has an '08 Vulcan 900. He works construction and likes to wear shorts in the summer. He rides with chaps over his shorts to his boss's house to meet for work. He says no one can tell, but I know, and he knows, which is bad enough.

Point being, if chaps are necessary, go for it. But wear them proud cause people might be laughing a little.
I wear chaps, go ahead, cheap, effective, good road protection, and since I ride with a bunch of cruiser riders, I actually don't get the razzing I would from C/R Riders and there full race one piece leathers that cost more than my last cage, but, I am looking for some leather overpants, if I can get them for less than my house note
Here's my opinion on chaps: everyone keeps laughing and mocking assless chaps, but I grew up wearing those on the ranch working cattle and it was 2nd nature to put them on before work in the AM. They catch a lot of beef because the homosexual community likes to use them as a personal statement and the pornography community got hold of them for the whole "easy access" thing. That was certainly not there intended purpose when they were originated. They were made for comfort and protection. Then the Harley and cruiser guys snagged them for essentially the same purposes, protection and comfort. Granted, you can't see there crack as they ride because they sit flat on the seat while crotch rocket riders have there cracks out in the open for all to see.

SO, what difference does it make if assless chaps are worn or not? We Buellers already have our cracks sticking out for everyone behind us to view and many of us show some skin at the same time. So why does wearing chaps over jeans make a bit of difference? Is it just the idea of it? It make look a little goofy, but chaps are very common. Just because you ride a rocket doesn't mean you have to go take out a loan for racing gear.

I am going to use my ski pants tonight and tomorrow and am then going to test out the chaps the next day to see how they work. I'm going one of those 2 ways. Either way, I'm still enjoy the ride while others have there bikes in the garage. I will wear which ever with pride :)

I do appreciate everyones comments and suggestions! I never would have thought it would have turned into a 2 page post. That's why I love this forum. Lots of good stuff!
Haven't you seen biker boyz?? Laurence fishburne wears chaps and so does a lot of the others.
I wear a pair of snowboarding pants which block the wind and are slightly insulated. They actually took care of me when I had my accident. Just a few scuffs on the pants.
IT's cool the guy in the truck whipped over and blocked the dude the guy's lucky.

As for chaps I have witnessed my in-law ride his 9 in chaps. I have thought about getting a pair for cold days but they wouldn't do anything for wet days which go hand in hand. I don't see the big deal. Do what you want.
Don't have time to read all the responses right now but who cares. I do. And to everyone who said no, let's see ya tell a hells angel they look like a d-bag with chaps riding a Buell....