CR gearing on a R (conversion)

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2009
I am getting ready to do this conversion. I plan on taking lots of pics for those that are interested. I havent seen anybody do the conversion on this site anyway.

I have seen different ways to do it but this seems to be the best way. Factory parts you cant go wrong IMO.

Parts needed,

CR Gearing


G0500.1ATA BELT, DRIVE Retail Price:$175.00

G0400.1ATB DRIVE SPROCKET Retail Price:$140.00

G0603.1ATZT BRACKET, IDLER PULLEY Retail Price:$39.50

I believe that is everything. Retail price $778.50 or u can find on ebay much cheaper! The ebay route you may have to fix some scratches like I am going to do.

M0310.6AAYCX, Phantom Metallic aerosol, Retail $27.95

I have everything but the belt so far.

Good luck. Are you gonna want someone to drink beer and watch you do it. I may be available to do that.:p
It's 6 more teeth on the rear sprocket which equals 11% difference. Yes more low end, I am not out doing 170 + all the time, I never go to the track. It seems I hardly ever use 6th gear. I will risk a little top end for more low end grunt. Second, third gear wheelies!

Now if I can just find a belt under retail. I hate paying retail especially to HD!
Wow, thats alot of money for 1/2 inch. Would just an average rider really be able to tell the difference or benifit from 1/2 inch?
every little bit counts. i'll bet SHE can tell the difference :D

red93stang, some dealers offer a bueller discount. or they used to. i think ASB offers a discount to for members of a certain other website. ;)
You shouldn't be able to tell at all. I have rode a CR, actually 03firebolt9R's, I was just as comfortable in the corners as my R. The 1/2 inch should actually work as a disadvantage due to a longer wheel base, but it's unnoticeable IMO.
Forgive me if this sounds ignorant, but y all the extra parts? Couldn't you swap the sprocket, find a belt that fits, & be done? Are the countershaft sprockets the same on both bikes? [confused]
No ignorance at all on this board. To have the correct belt tension through the the full travel of the swingarm you have to change all the parts seen or listed. IMO if you start to reengineer something that has already been proven effective on a production model, go with it. Plus I dont want to deal with bearing failure at least anymore than normal.

You can change the rear pulley and use the CR belt but, the idler/tensioner would have to be bigger. I think 5/8 bigger if I remember correctly. Mike1125R machined his own idler on badweb.

The front sprockets are the same R to CR.
How would u correct the speedo? I have a 09 R that I've been dying to change the gearing but have been kinda leery of messing with the belt system. Having always been on yamahas Im used to dealing with chains....
Their are several different ways to do the speedo correction. EBR ECM, Speed Cal unit, Tuner Pro, ECM Spy. The easiest way to correct the speedo imo is a EBR ECM programed for the CR. I have seen guys use a Speed Cal unit but you have to hard wire it in. I will be sending my EBR ECM back to EBR for the update next week.

EBR 1125 ECM's
Man, I was just talking about dropping a few teeth on the sprocket to increase the top. . . but counter that loss of torque with a turbo :0 )
I have seen the 170's and it was fun for awhile but not for the street. The riding we do around here is in the twisties.

Turbo, not looking to spend a mint to change pistons which would have to be custom made. Plus a custom made turbo kit. Just looking for a little more lower end.