It's a little late for all that, isn't it?
My main concern is the engine is leaking. They need to improve their engine sealing, probably increase sealing faces area, redesign gaskets to have at least double sealing lines on each place, maybe use double o-rings sealing where they use single o-ring. They also need to increase PCV valves holes and hoses diameter to reduce breather resistance and pressure inside the engine housing. It will make the engine slightly heavier, but I prefer to ride heavy but reliable and maintenance free engine.
and yet more of your self-indulgent cycle-babble "look at my technically brilliant vernacular" BS. you literally destroyed your own motor over a period of time.....don't possess the intelligence or learning apparatus to realize and acknowledge it....and now you're writing another mini-thesis on solutions to problems that don't exist. ridiculous.
H-D/Buell have produced approx. THREE MILLION 45 degree air-cooled sportster based V-twins to date. they've been ridden and ridden hard in virtually every imaginable motorcycling scenario known to mankind. infinitely updated....fairly bomb-proof....simple in design....stone reliable....beloved by their owners for the most of any inherent design flaws or manufacturing glitches. and yet some non-m/c industry engineer from seattle comes along who professes to identify problems that don't exist and offers solutions and answers to questions never asked. laughable!
greg: starting @ 2:27 mark danny hurda makes several appearances. friend of mine...really a wonderful guy...and one the finest motorcycle engineers in the world. all the cool and advanced XB features? straight from his endless talent drawer. he's brilliant.
the common bond we've always had is that there's only 2 brand new never-dealer-prepped-or-ridden buells known to exist in the world. the last one ever built which is his and on display at barber museum...and mine which i have on display in my little collection.
"And running them hard, hot, and long, will reduce carbon build-up. The worst thing you can do is run them cold, or for only short distances. That is a universal rule since the second engine was built, not just for air-cooled, or Buell motors.