ECM can be updated to 2010 specs, BUT, you have to do the fuel pump as well and a couple other things, I think. Email [email protected] and ask Dan what needs to be done.
I would be curious as to how you are turning on the front O2 sensor in the ECM. I'm sure I could Google it, but sounds like you already know what you're doing.
AZ it is just a matter of wiring the new sensor to the pin 31 on the grey ecm connector. And after enable the front cylinder closed loop on Ecmdroid or TunerPro, both will do.
I confirmed this does not work today
Pin 1 = front afr
Pin 31 = O2 sensor 1, model year 2010
Pin 32 = O2 sensor 2
Pin 33 = rear afr
All on the grey connector. If you want both O2 sensors to work, you'll have to upgrade the ecm to 2010 specs. The widebands send data, but the ecm will not actually utilize it. Record it, yes, use, no. This also means you have to upgrade the fuel pump though. Email EBR if you want to pursue it, they (Dan) know what you need to do.
Correct Dean.
Although, I believe you can still do it in the 08-09 firmware, but you need to know how to edit the xdf in TunerPro so that you can enable it. Other than an error mask, there is no options for a front O2 sensor in ECMDroid.
Yes, I wired it to the ecm.
There is no options, in ECMDroid. I have looked in TunerPro before, and 90% sure there is no option in the standard .xdf files to enable the from O2.
The 2008-2010 ecms are the same hardware wise, but not firmware. BUE3D is the only firmware with dual O2 sensors enabled. Like Dean said, you can have this firmware flashed by HD, or you need to modify the .xdf to enable the option of turning on the front O2. Which I don't even see that in the breakdown of the hex code on ecmspy.
Looks like I was wrong, and missed it on both ECMSpy and TunerPro
I'll attempt it again this weekend, and let you know how it goes.
How did it go? Were you able to give it a try?
Yes, you can change the resolution and rpm values in TunerPro. DDFI3 all have the same size map, but they don't all use the same axis. You need to just enter all the rpm points you want in the fuel map axis table.