DIY Z3 fender vent install

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Look like the tip is just sitting over the stock one [smirk]

Either way the internals would be the same no matter the tip size.
Is the outlet smaller on the inside or is it actually that big?

Outlet is the same. However I did cut a chunk off. I didnt want to mess with the engineering of the jardine sound. Or the back pressure for that matter. In this pic you can see how much I cut off. It appears to be a 3.5 in outlet. In reallity its still only 2.25.

Not to get off subject but I also did this. Lol! A vented belt cooler! I plan to put clear plexy glass inside and a vibration sensitive strobe light. Or maybe just a screen.....with a sub-woofer! lol!


Dave...Can you put Xibit's face in the center of this one? [smirk]
That's good.

Either way the internals would be the same no matter the tip size.

Internals are worthless if the tip is giant. Thats why my voodoo has a big tip and a small outlet inside it.

I was saying even if he cut the tip off and welded on a bigger one nothing about the muffler would change. If you were to cut the tip of a stock pipe off it would perform just the same.

Yes if you cut out the inside an went to a larger pipe things would change but just changing the tip size would change nothing. That would be like saying those guys with 8" tips on their ricers would be justifiable.

^^^ lol thats awesome!

Jobe, keep in mind if you do put flexiglass on the puley cover, it may get dirty very quickly. I thought about doing it until I realized how dirty the inside of my cover got and didn't want to keep removing in to clean it.

My clear plastic on the Rizoma Cover seemed to always be fairly clean, it helps I only ride if fare weather but stayed clean for me. This is a shot from the day I crashed last summer, so the last time it was on the road.

I know I lost a bolt, not sure what happened there
I thought about doing it until I realized how dirty the inside of my cover got and didn't want to keep removing in to clean it.

I think the bolt in there gets rusty because it cant breath in there. The plastic is kept pretty sealed. I bet that bolt in there would stay cleaner if more air could get in there. LOL! More vent action coming your way!
I doubt it, that thing isn't sealed, if anything it just helps to hold the road grim and thus causes the bolt to rust faster. I would just leave the cover alone and paint the pulley nut. I know you won't have a problem with that.

My Rizoma cover has a plate that bolts over the stock pulley nut to dress it up and it begins to discolor no matter what.

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