EBR 1190RS

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Buell isnt the same as and/or has nothing to do with EBR and vice versa.
HD is treating Buell like the red headed step-child.

If you own a buell, it kinda makes you feel alone, unless your with other buell riders.
Yeah thats what was making me nervous about buying a Buell because what happenes if I need a little part or something, were do you go to get them?
Ebay is my main, then ebr, sometimes craigslist.

Few years ago I was big on fixin up AMC's, I had a Rebel and a Javelin etc, and then it got to be too much. It used to be low cost high performance, then people thought they could get rich off one NOS part and the market seemed to jump up, high. I think thats what going to happen here, unless EBR comes out with some bikes real soon thet cross reference with whats been put out in the last 5 years of its existance.
Or HD can make some money and sell the brand and rights to someone.
Seems like the Barry Sanders issue happens more and more.
I'm even lookin hard into Aprilia parts that may interchange. Problem is that I'm sure I'm not the only one who has looked into this stuff. Its all been done I'm sure. There should be more organization with places to go for what parts. I still bring up my clutch cover replacement problem. I had someone at EBR tell me they'd see if they had one to sell me off there race bike and I havent heard from them since, been 3 weeks I think. If they had one and told me its brand new for $500 I would probably pay it.
Two things I have yet to find on this forum. 1.Someone willing to powdercoat for cheap anytime anywhere. and 2.Someone hardcore into covering these parts you cant find with carbon fiber or kevlar or even just plastic. For example, If I strip my clutch cover and paint it high temp 500*F black, I want to hide the ugly, say with a carbon fiber cover, like the whole cover, not half of it, and also not for $140. Might sound familiar from some other posts I responded to.

With that being said...
This Buell site has the most traffic and thats why I'm here with a Buell today. Its nice to see who is fighting the good fight, and if they leave, no one blames them. Like I said, seems just like AMC stuff, or any other brand that no longer exists, you'll always have your group of freaks!

Sorry for the runonandon.
It all depends on your local HD dealer.
Some were buell friendly from the get go, most weren't.

But parts can be had, it just takes a little bit of leg work.
I go about 45 minutes out of my way to another HD/Buell dealer who is very Buell friendly. I am always able to get parts from them without hassle, but it may just take 3-4 weeks for them to receive in store. The closest Buell dealer to me treats them like a red-headed step child and wants nothing to do with them after they stopped making them. they have people to service them there, but trying to order parts is like pulling teeth!
I have to say I'm really waiting to see what the next gen of EBR bikes are. Maybe parts will be easier to get with more produced. But as far as Buell bikes, someone did mention having an easier place to cross reference things. I know I'm working on a cross reference list as I'm sure many people are on their own bikes. SFK part numbers for wheel bearings, etc.

I think we have two long term choices. Either move on to other bikes or go through what so many other collectors and enthusiasts do... expect it be difficult. I fully plan to ride my Buells into the ground and just hope that I can get an EBR when I'm finished. Fix as needed and all that fun stuff. The 1203 engines will be a little easier because of their parts availablility through H-D. My 1125... yep, bought a used '08 engine just to use for parts. Was only a few bucks more than trying to get an 08 stator/rotor setup. Sucks, but I love my Buells. Will have to machine whatever parts after that.
I read today in the paper, Buell and Hero are making bikes together, there new bike(s) will be out in 2014. As far as buell goes, looks like they might have there own very new bike out, maybe, 2013. Interesting article. I didnt know Hero was part of Honda, who dropped them like HD dropped buell. Also didnt know hero is the largest bike manu. in the world. Like they were sayin how wierd it was that buell is the smallest and Hero is the largest. Hero is interested in the looks and the designs of past buells and that they had some people from buell fly to India, there headquarters, to talk design, etc. Eric Buell also said there hiring people. Looks like work is good for buell. I had a feelin somethin was gunna hit soon.
Yep. I know what the target production number _was_ for this year, it got pushed back partially because of that deal. The total number to get produced was changed as well.

I have a _very_ good guess as to what the price will be, it won't be a lot more than what the retail 1125 cost was prior to the closure. I got a pic of the cycle world article 2 months before it came out about the pricing. Think BMW s1000 pricing and you'll be close.

I'm happy with my 1125 at this point, so I doubt I'll "upgrade" by buying a new one, but I may get up to an 1190 the hard way by doing it myself at home. Lots of things are in the works. I only talk to one guy there and I get a little bit of info every now and again. None of it I can share until after the fact though. They did announce the 1190 kit last year in the drag section on badweb, most people totally missed it. Unfortunately, they haven't made it available to purchase as of yet, nor have they given firm prices on it. I know they wanted to keep it well under $2000 and the last number I was told will make me pretty happy if I get one.

There's sooo many things I wish I could spill the beans on, but I like hearing about it early so I keep my trap shut.
Does this favor the 1190 to anyone else?? It was the prototype B2 Barracuda before Harley cut the life support for Buell. Even if it doesn't I still wonder what Buell would be today if it had never been cut.


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