still a fuckery though. It is better to have Hero out of the picture, but Erik still got screwed. If Hero would have paid like they were supposed to for the 49% of EBR and the engineering services. Erik wouldn't be in this position to begin with. Still don't trust them.
if I had my guess, Hero scrambled to find a way to purchase the rights unencumbered to the engineering developement that EBR did for their HX250 and 650 to keep another company from purchasing them under the receivership auction.
Another news story on the subject this morning; Hero says they have no interest in the remainder of EBR now that they've made an agreement to buy the info on the Hero projects EBR was working on:
I don't know... WOULD Harley buy it as it stands now? The panic is over that caused them to sell it... and Buell did good things for Harley on the projects they gave him. HD seems to be trying to go liquid cooled and make bikes for the coming generations and overseas sales... IS IT a crazy Idea that Harley could be interested again?? Maybe not.
sale starts tomorrow, Hero has made a deal to only buy the designs EBR had / was doing for them....EBR sale is still a whole package. fingers crossed all goes well and back in business soon.
Hopefully someone with the cash to do it right, the vision to see the potential of EBR, and the wisdom to recognize Erik's engineering genius who can help him run a business.
There are posts on Erik's Facebook page since noon by a couple of guys who appear to have been among the bidders. According to them, Atlantic Metals bought EBR. Still trying to figure out who that is.