EBR Sale Scheduled

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what makes people think that dealers will hold any confidence in the company now though, im not a dealer but if i was i would think twice about investing in stock with this history. Id say alot of dealerships will pull the pin on EBR unfortunately. Some will have had floor stock they cant move for the past few months, this Im sure would make them unhappy.
^^ Now is when they can finally get back to business. Yes, there was damage done and they will have lost some people, but he (Erik) has overcome this kind of setbacks before. Hero screwed him. At least it is beginning to sound like they didn't totally blindside him this time.
what makes people think that dealers will hold any confidence in the company now though, im not a dealer but if i was i would think twice about investing in stock with this history. Id say alot of dealerships will pull the pin on EBR unfortunately. Some will have had floor stock they cant move for the past few months, this Im sure would make them unhappy.

EBR seems to be under private ownership now, no corporate stock involved. They could just sell them the way Confederate sells motorcycles if they wanted to.
I hope Erik handed over bogus designs to Hero. They will frantically sift through the information and be like, "Hey, something is not right here." And Erik can be like, "Really? OMG. That sucks. Maybe you should go fück yourselves? That might help."
Apparently the hearing is over. Short summary posted to Badweb:

The Courts approved:

- Hero settlement
- EBR sale

Mr. Belfer - self-labeled as a fan and admirer of Erik Buell's work - seems to be just what's needed for a re-birth, or actually, continuing endeavor.

I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of Hero objection!
I hope Erik handed over bogus designs to Hero. They will frantically sift through the information and be like, "Hey, something is not right here." And Erik can be like, "Really? OMG. That sucks. Maybe you should go fück yourselves? That might help."

Dude, I'm with you....that's awesome.........I hope they fall flat on their faces in epic failure.
What's especially funny is how Hero claimed (right after EBR went into receivership) that the loss of EBR wouldn't slow up development of their new models at all.
So EBR was bought for $2.25 million and Hero paid $2.8 million for the Buell "consulting business" assets. Sounds like the buyers got a pretty good deal if they can things up make EBR productive long term, even with the debt owed by EBR. Do the new buyers have to cover the old debt as well?
taking into consideration that the entire company sold for $2.25M and that they got $2.8M from Hero just for the design consulting part, sounds like they made a good deal to get Hero out of the way. Like I said before, Erik learned a thing or two from the HD fiasco. I have a real good feeling about this. :eagerness::cool:
Intertesting quote from Erik in the motorcycle.com article:

Reached via text this afternoon, Erik Buell said he is working with the new owner on “how to roll out the story.” Pressed for details, Buell said, “He’ll tell his story his way and in his time schedule. As it should be.”

He’s a bike guy, though?

“Yes,” texts Buell.
any update to this, read that there was another auction on December 10th, this would be the final one? hope Hero didn't get S@#! from it...