There are posts on Erik's Facebook page since noon by a couple of guys who appear to have been among the bidders. According to them, Atlantic Metals bought EBR. Still trying to figure out who that is.
"Atlantic Metals Group" may be another word for "Erik Buell and his friends"... once Hero gave back the 49% of EBR, its debt was probably not that big. Maybe he and some guys formed a company and placed a bid on it?
I surely hope so as well. I might be a new Bueller, but I'm loving what I've been introduced to and hope that I can grow as a rider on an American sport bike :eagerness:
Alantic Metals is a metal supplier to industrial customers and has a subsiderary of US-HP. The CEO of which is Demetri Melekos, a personal friend of Erik. Sounds like Erik got a Greek to give Hero a trip around the isles without a reach around. LMFAO.
Demetri Melekos posted that there were 3 bidders. I'm kind of thinking maybe they were all somehow associated because Demetri seems very happy with the outcome of the auction even though his company apparently didn't win the bidding.
Demetri's posts on Erik's page on FB seem to say that he did not. He first posted that "the Belfer Group" bought EBR, then Bruce Belfer posted that that was incorrect, "the Atlantic Metals Group" had bought it and Demetri changed the post. It sounds like they're both good with the way things turned out.
Hopefully this will all be made clear tomorrow or shortly after.