EBR Sale Scheduled

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Thanks Hugh, just checked out demetri's Facebook page. Dude seems like he is into bikes, rock and roll and mega cute chicks...WINNER? Hopefully.Belfer is on his page as well, maybe these two together can pull this off......fingers crossed.
That article doesnt look good for EBR. Bruce failed to meet deadlines twice and no one else stepped up to bid. The company that had the highest bid, buys companys for their machines and sells the machines. Another interested party was looking to operate EBR on a much smaller scale. I think he wanted the name. Either way, it doesnt look good for EBR.
I think I saw in earlier posts he couldn't meet the deadlines because hero couldn't or wouldn't resolve assets, so Bruce could not close with a uncertain asset sheet.
Yea, not Bruce's fault - Hero ****ed us a second time taking forever to finalize their end of the design sale. Without that done, and some uncertainty about what they were getting and how much it devalued the remaining entity, there wasn't any way underwriting/financing could occur. Bruce couldn't then meet the closing deadline of his winning bid. I am surprised that the article says there were no other bidders; he pretty clearly stated they had a winning bid until the final day of the auction.

All that said, CJ; I only have an outsiders perspective, but insinuating that Bruce failed in any way seems off base to me. We all want production to start again tomorrow (as an owner, I more than most), but these things just don't go that way. He may not end up with the remaining entity, but I think he's done both an admirable job trying to save it and an extraordinary job of communicating with all of us.
We're Buellers.......just the type of people who'll do a bit of extra work where others wouldn't. My bikes have been great to me; this is a chance to give back. Our intervention may fend off a liquidation and no hope for a future company. Who'll join me in writing a letter?
(Taken from the auction thread on badweb, but that's where Bruce is posting)

Formal written objections to the sale to Liquid Asset Partners to be submitted to Judge Koss by January 6th. Hearing continuance till January 14th at 8:30am. I'd think you should include the information on the case number and judge in the heading of your letter to ensure it gets to the right person.

CASE# 15CV00247 - Branch I - CIVIL
Judge: Hon. Phillip A. Koss

Mailing address:
Walworth County Clerk of Courts
P.O. Box 1001
Elkhorn, WI 53121

Bruce Belfer:
What do these letters need to say?

How a liquidation would affect you. Your investment in EBR motorcycles. American manufacturing jobs. Basically just tell the Court why liquidation is a bad thing and why EBR should be kept alive and intact. Your personal reasons are fine, so long as they're real and truthful. Don't make things up. That's what these letters need to say, no more, no less.

Bruce has been paying salaries for the last six months to keep the talent aboard. Twenty minutes and a stamp is the least we can do to say thank you. Oh, while Bruce's post talks about those local, I think that showing a national following/dealerships/interest show the company's long term viability, so that's what I'll be including.

I'd post to the Lightning/Bold forums as well, considering the viewcounts they get, but I fear the banhammer :)
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Thanks for cross-posting this from BadWeb, Mope! I'll be writing a letter. Hope all the other Buellers here will do the same...sure would be great to see Buell continue on in some form or another! :up:
Hi all,

Here is the latest summary from Hughlysses about writing a letter to help save EBR from being sold to a liquidator. In particular, it is important that copies of the letters go to both addresses or the letter may be discarded as part of legal procedures. You can find more details of the conversation on BadWeb. Please consider writing a letter!


From Hughlysses:

OK, here's my attempt at summarizing the points that have been made in this thread regarding writing the court:

1- Use your printer or write neatly.
2- Make your letter short and to the point- the main point is that we'd like to see motorcycle production continue rather than the company's assets be liquidated.
3- Send a copy of letter to the judge AND the receiver and note this on the letter.
4- If you're from Wisconsin and particularly Walworth County, mention that in the letter.

Receiver: Michael S. Polsky
Beck, Chaet, Bamberger & Polsky, S.C.
Two Plaza East, Suite 1085
330 East Kilbourn Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202

Judge: Hon. Phillip A. Koss
Walworth County Clerk of Courts
P.O. Box 1001
Elkhorn, WI 53121

Include the following info in your letters:
CASE# 15CV00247 - Branch I - CIVIL
Judge: Hon. Phillip A. Koss