Well-known member
dang it:down: looking for articles
Ok guys, I have some info.
A liquidator, Liquid Assets (Bill Melvin - liquidator) was the buyer at $1.6m - they are keeping it quiet waiting for the Judge to approve the sale this Monday in court - they don't want to create opposition to the sale by having employees show up to oppose the liquidation of EBR.
Anyone & everyone can speak to the Judge in court - it is a public hearing - if 10 to 20 employees would show up and tell the Judge how this effects them personally it would make a difference to buy more time - especially since there are other buyers interested in keeping the company intact rather than breaking it up - there is no reason why EBR had to be taken to auction so quickly.
if the employees can show up and tell the Judge the impact of liquidation on them personally - then ask the Judge for more time to find a buyer that would keep EBR intact ... it would have a significant impact -- especially since the creditors that are owed money are NOT forcing a quick sale of EBR (since they are take a BIG loss on what they are owed).
So we can help this. There are people trying to work out a deal to keep it together, just need more time.
HUH? Bruce bid 2.25 the first time. I would think that he would still have that amount to try again since the first time never closed. Did he post on book of faces that he was outbid?
Two days ago, we had the winning bid. Last night at 5:45, a well-crafted bid from another buyer was circulated, which required us to surpass his bid by more than we had available in time to close. Despite our best efforts, we lost the auction, but EBR remains intact. Out of respect for the buyer, this is all I will say on the subject, as I am advised he will be issuing his own press release shortly.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement throughout this endeavor. It made all the hard work worth it.
Never quit.