engine light came on for a second. why?

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
Orlando Florida
I started my bike up this afternoon, let it warm up for a few min.. went about 2 miles to my freeway on ramp.. took her up to 70, curised at 70 for about 4 min, then I went up to 90 for a few seconds, I was tucked in and I saw the "engine light" come on, I instantly dropped my speed down to 70 and the light vanished.. didnt come back all day. Ran fine the whole time but I was too scared to take it back up to 90... any ideas what that was? Other than that, there were no symptoms at all.
Only thing that has changed in recent history was that about 2 months ago I de-snorkeled and drilled out my airbox.. but the bike seemed to like that..
Got ecm spy? Check the trouble codes.

If you don't have spy there is still a way to check.
De-snorkled? I dont see that as a good thing. I can see why oh9bolt gets frustrated with these kinda threads. So check engine light comes on when it notes a problem, key word "notes" goes off when the problem is no longer there. Now that we know it "noted" a problem it saw, how do we check that note, oh it stored a code! Find your diagnostic connector on the leftish side under your front fairing. Unplug rubber grommet/seal hold it with the plastic tabs pointed upward. Take a jumper wire connect the two right pins, turn key and kill switch on. Watch check engine light flass fast then flash normal pause then flash again. Count the flashes and thats your code. Then get back to us.
so it the light goes out the code is still in there? ok cool.. on my mustang light comes on and doesnt go off until the code is cleared. thanks

Ill just hit it with my ecm spy.. see what it was.

btw, from what I read youre supposed to de-snorkel it when you go over to the race ecm...is that wrong?
so you can use the wire trick right at your normal access port under the front faring??

It could be that my battery is on its last legs.. been hesitating at start up.. only my battery tender is keeping it alive the past few weeks..
de-snorkled...:D:D:D mine has been removed also, have had my CEL flash at me before afte riding a bit hard then slowing down some at the same time a slpit second hick up / power lose then back to life...all that in about 3 seconds...she's done it a couple times, haven't had that issue for sometime now
there is no CODE.. I put my paper clip in there at least 20 times did all kinds of ******** and nothing.

at no time did the bike lose any power or hiccup.. it was totally normal.. just saw the light come on when I hit 90mph and I slowed down to 70mph and it went off.. this took about 2 or 3 seconds. there were no symptoms.

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