Trying to get the clutch operation straight in my mind:
The inner and outer ramp assembly is captured by the primary cover.
The inner ramp rests against the primary casting lip.
The outer ramp is against the primary cover which holds the ramp assembly in place.
When the clutch lever is pulled, the outer ramp rotates and somehow moves the pressure plate, opening the clutch plates. During this I’m guessing that both the cover and casting lips are under quite a bit of load. Looks like a good idea but have some questions:
On a primary casting whose lips are not broken do you leave the lips intact and mount the aluminum plate over them?
It’s hard to tell from the pictures but it looks like the top of the three round columns where the screws go are lower than the lip. Would it be necessary to shim in order to keep the plate from being stressed?
What depth do you drill the screw holes go down to? I wouldn’t think you would want them to go through to the cover bolt holes?
Can you post your installation instructions?
When will you be back in production?