Thanks Macbuell! I hear ya...I had to do my first by hand before I designed a kit.
2004xb12s: There have been about a thousand miles put on these kits with plenty of stop lights and almost no wear on the aluminum plate. I chose to go with aluminum over steel as an effort to keep from wear on the ramp assembly, I don't know where you can get one if it's even possible to get one. The aluminum plate is much stronger and a little thicker then the lip on the OEM primary cover. Given I use plate instead of cast aluminum it's really not brittle at all. Furthermore, I could stand on the ramp assembly without it flexing, there's no way you are putting that much pressure on the clutch.
I will try to find some specs on exactly how many pounds of pressure it takes to move the clutch. Given it's not hydraulic it can't be to high...