Fixing a Wrecked XB9R Firebolt - One way to get on a Buell

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check for any leaky gaskets and seals. maybe put some fresh plugs and wires. clean up any hare to reach areas on the engine maybe.
Looks like a great project. I was watching that bike on ebay, not to buy, but it looked like a good deal and I wanted to see what it went for.

Is that ratchet strap wrapped around the belt guard??? I'd wrap that around the swingarm or just straight through the wheel.
looks more like the strap is wrapped around the sub frame with the excess strappage dangling down to the wheel.

looking forward to seeing how this turns out. are you returning it to its original luster, or customizing it a bit?
Oh, good catch, I saw the ends with the hooks but I thought everything was just dangling at this point. For some reason I assumed the frame was just resting on the engine. Feel free to continue [up]

Also curious to hear what some of your future plans are. I had wanted to get a bike that was a bit more beat up and lightly crashed so I could get creative with it, but I found mine and it was just too pretty to pass up.
Well, i have done a lot of wrecked bikes and i must say, this buell is pretty cool. I usually end up mostly restoring the bikes, but customizing a few things here and there. I have always liked the front projector fairing on the firebolt so ive got to keep it! Im 6'2" so the buell is a little cramped for me. I have had thoughts of a custom subframe that is a solo seat utilizing the passenger seat and moving it back. Then still keep all the parts to make it stock. Lot of TBD for right now. My main purpose for tearing it down was mostly for inspection. A lot of you warned me of broken tabs and motor mounts. I also read threads about broken exhaust studs. So i figured...why not tear it down and do it right. Soooo that's where i am at. Ive put about $700 in replacement parts already and i still have more to go. Buell's are definitely more expensive to fix than the Jap bikes...but I'm smiling every time i work on it. This was going to be my winter project for me but as you can tell...i couldn't resist. My poor vintage 2-stroke has taken a back seat for now. I will keep posting progress of this one and asking lots of questions. As far as the ratchet straps...ya i hooked the subframe and the loose ends are what you see hanging down. It gets tricky when your hanging a bike by yourself. other thing i found was someone had welded up the exhaust bung for the O2 sensor. I just cut the plug out and ordered a new O2 sensor. Kinda hard to tune without a feedback loop...or maybe I'm missing something...
Strange indeed. Maybe they went for a O2-less tune? I've heard people consider it, but never saw it done.

PS: Rock a lightning tail!
Well, i got the plug out of the pipe and was able to salvage the O2 bung on the header pipe. Bought an 02 sensor for it too. As mentioned earlier in this post...the ECM was smashed, so i purchases a new one as well. I am also taking the advice to put new exhaust studs in while it is this far down. As soon as my parts come in from LSH, i will be starting the re-assembly. Here is a bad cell phone pic...and yes, the tail is balancing on a was temporary...its tough splitting these by yourself. Thought some of you might get a kick out of it.

I also just noticed that my front wheel has a slightly bent lip. Anyone have a front wheel/tire combo they are looking to part with? It may be a little bit as i am waiting for my bank account to recover from a flurry of recent buell activity :)
sorry to hear about that ecm. I was afraid of that.

have you checked the used oem parts section on here for wheels?Thought I saw some a night or two ago, cherry bomb red i believe with a couple chips on the lips but nothing too serious.

Tail on the can.... hey, whatever works and doesn't get you hurt.[up]
i miss that bike. i welded the o2 senser shut because the bike didnt run well with power commander and the exaust. it would studder then when i took it out it ran like a raped ape. i took the power commander off when i sold it the bike has brand new plugs in it and the oil was changed. that is a brand new back tire and as for the front the guy before me hit a pot hole and put that little bend in it. the micron exaust had those half inch bolts in there because i broke the bolt off in the head and had to drill it out and rethread. oh ya and u prolly noticed i put a k and n filter in it. i would like to kno how the bike goes. i lost my leg because of it and alot more injuries i would like to see it done. im sure u found my info in the back of the bike because the key got ripped off in the ignition and i couldnt open up the back. im matt schaffer i live in east aurora n.y. if u have facebook look me up id like to kno if u actually get that bike done
Matt88: Really? You lost your leg to that bike? Are you okay (aside from the leg thing)? Is there a story? I don't mean to pry, but this thread just took an interesting turn!

Also, OP: Build Update?
WOW!! Matt88- what's the story behind that ? Oisterska- weren't expecting that were you?
No. No I was not. I am hoping matt88 will follow that one up as it resurrected a cool build thread, albeit with an unfortunate yet intriguing twist. A real humdinger of a twist.

I hope both Matt88 and his old bike are doing OK.
well im alive , im not supposed to be,only 5% chance to live, i came over a hill front end got light and i hit a pot hole in the road and it sent me out of control, i got the wobbles nd got thrown, the bike went into a tree and suprisingly didnt get as wrecked as i thought it would, as for me , i got thrown into a fire hydrant, i broke both hips, shattered my pelvice and detached it from my spine, ripped my rotator cuff, broke my leg in over 8 places and had my guts on the ground, they had found out my aorta was ripped almost completly from my heart and had to save my life and jus ditch the leg and give me heart sergery, that bike put me through hell but i would love to see when that guy gets it done. its funny how i tracked that bike down it was one of its kind , with that micron exaust, it sounded pretty bad ass, funny thing was i was only a half mile from my house and it was the first day i took it out that year , i was jus gettin gas for it, so well causes from winter caused me to crash not the bike i loved it and cant wait to see the outcome, i am wonderin how far it traveled on e bay, i sold the bike to for less than 1700 , i wish i woulda jus posted it up here, well i got facebook if u guys wanna chat, i go on here ev now and then so,,great job farelane ,see ya!
Thank you, sir, for the reply.

I've really gotta say: holy ****. That is heavy, and I am glad to hear that your recovery is underway. Thanks very much for sharing your story, I am sure you had many plans with that bike.

I have to ask, is there any chance of riding again for you? I imagine one might want to just move on after that, but who knows. If you still have the desire, I have definitely met one legged riders before and I am sure we (at would all support getting you back onto another Buell... Or better, an EBR 1190rs?

Let me know if I can help with anything!

edit: OP-build update?
i would ride but i would get killed by my family and friends if i even look at a bike. i did talk them into me gettin a dirt bike tho so well see. as for the bike its crazy he has it all apart i have a pic of me and the bike that im putting with this to giv him motivation, that bike used to be beutiful. especially with that exaust.

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