Florida Trackdays...........

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Jennings last weekend of the summer is in 2 weeks (they shut down for the summer). I'm planning on going 6/11 and 12 so Saturday and Sunday if anyone's interested or planning on going let me know.
Think you're to spoiled with PBIR being right down the road anyways to make the long trip to Jennings...

Let me know next time you'll be at PBIR and I'll come down there since you won't travel. I'm wanting to do their Advance Rider Course too. Also planning on doing Jennings race school after the summer. Plan to see how those go and possible race next year in the FMRRA down your way (If I think I can compete by then that is).
I totally agree! I want to try new tracks and even commit to FMRRA, whether I'm competitive or not. The problem lately is I never seem to be in town at the right time:upset: The poor CR has street tires, the stock muffler, and high bars on it right now just I can get some miles in!

Man, I could use a track day...
Any idea when you're going to be back in town and free?

I'm planning on doing barber late summer early fall also, just an fyi...

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