Ok, I'm new to "posting" on the site, but have had significant help in the past looking for issues related to my Buell. I have an 09 XB12R; I went out the other day to fire it up and go for a ride(sitting about a month and a half) and noticed the fuel pump wouldn't prime. I checked the battery voltage and recharged it because the exhaust valve was intermittent. After charging the battery and scuffing the ground cable the exhaust valve was working again. All of my relays are working properly(so i think) because I took the cover off of all of them and saw them click for myself. When I put the key in the run position I get three lights(N, Check engine, and low oil pressure). The check engine light goes off after 4seconds and does not return after 8. The engine will crank but will not fire. I do have spark( stuck a screwdriver in the plug wire and saw it arc to the frame). And the exhaust valve has returned back to normal operation. Now after troubleshooting some more the starter will not engage. The start relay is is also closing whenever i press start. I have voltage on pins 2 and 3 and the ground on pin one is testing fine. But now still no starter or fuel pump prime. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance to anyone who posts.