getting into photography

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Awesome pictures Delta!! I haven't taken any pictures lately... miss it.

thanks sk8ace :D

why not? grab that thing and post some up bro'!

but I know what you mean, I haven't had the time to just grab my gear and go for a walk like I used to...
real life keeps getting in the way :(

but I am setting time aside for when the leaves start to turn colors, that cant be missed. Ill take the bike for a ride and shoot from it, I hope I get some good ones.
delta one, are you planning on making a video for the Nov. video contest giveaway thing? I would love to see what you could do ... I also welcome the competition! Its steps everyone's game up. I think you would shoot outstanding footage.
delta one, are you planning on making a video for the Nov. video contest giveaway thing? I would love to see what you could do ... I also welcome the competition! Its steps everyone's game up. I think you would shoot outstanding footage.

thanks for the vote of confidence but I don't think I could keep up with your videos at all. you are so the man for the montage and expressing feel in a video. the best I could do would be to try and copy your style, mimicry being the best form of flattery at all. ;)

I have zero video experience but would like to get some, it seems like it would be fun and I have some shots in my head that just don't work for still images.
Just recently became sorta' interested in photography .. had to do the classic Hawai'i sunset :D


you just made me so jealous!!
Keep up the good work[up]

what kind of gear are you using?
Ya I get the jealousy thing from my buddys back in Oregon as well :D
I'm in Kona, Big Island

I have a Canon PowerShot SD 1400 IS .. nuthin' special but it gets the job done
Great pic RiderX.

delta one, thanks! haha i have PLENTY of room to improve though. I can't wait for you to see my entry, i am pretty excited about it. If you ever do get in to shooting videos let me know! I think you would be phenomenal. It doesn't take much cash to get in the game. $500 would probably be enough for basic lenses, filters and an HD cam that has plenty of functions to learn.

oh and by the way, if you do end up getting one make sure it had built in time lapse. As you know I am a huge lapse enthusiast!
you dropping a shameless link to you web page isn't in the spirit of this thread.

Sorry you feel that way. I was just trying to share my pictures as well. I tried to include several pictures in the actual post and nothing ended up working. I thought "Screw it, here's a link".

I was hoping you'd see the galleries with the bikes:

Maybe I should have linked to my non-commercial flickr site:
did a maternity shoot recently, I'll have a followup shoot with her and her husband during her last trimester





What do you guys think of the 60d? I guess the 50d owners arent too happy because its not really that great of an upgrade for them. Specs look pretty good though and I like the flip out screen. I got to play with it today at Bestbuy and I really like the way it feels in my hands. Very comfortable.
XBchuck9...u stationed at George? or Meade? or neither? saw the base sticker on your pic...
took myself out on a color tour the other day

here is some of what I got











took the cage out so Jack could see all the colors too




Ill have more later, this is all I have finished so far
I need to take the bike back out and get some more good ones on the road we took the car out on
Just wondering what EBR has to do with motivational posters.

how about; I have had about 12 people approach me interested in purchasing the poster
I wrote Erik about it a few days ago to make sure I wasn't infringing on anything and offered to throw on the logo since it already had his name on it.

he authorized me to reproduce and sell these posters with his name and logo so why not?
its gonna look great on my wall and in a few guys garages

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