getting into photography

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It's a great design. I'd have it just say Buell without the text below. The picture says it all.
he authorized me to reproduce and sell these posters with his name and logo so why not?
its gonna look great on my wall and in a few guys garages

But unless he's paying you, why would you put it on. That's all I'm wondering. Some people might not like it. Don't give away product placement. One day you're going to want to actually have someone pay for placement and they'll say "Why should we pay for it, did those other guys pay?" Don't lower your value by giving away stuff for free. It may be "nice" but that's not how the world works sadly.
ok I get where you are coming from now.

but at this point I see it as a win win, his name is much bigger than mine and I can piggyback off of it (or not; I am mainly selling the photo not the boarder around it, I would much rather somebody ask to buy the image alone with nothing but my logo tagged to the corner, but thus far it hasn't happened. so its marketing as well)

I also do TFP (trade for print) work right now too.
as do many starting photographers to help get their name out.

but I also have much lower goals for my photography, I don't want to start a full time business out of it.
so I'm ok shooting myself in the foot every now and again, but only for good reason.:D
and right now I think EBR is a good reason.
I could possibly even be considered self serving. if EBR grows and prospers then perhaps my bike will continue to be supported.
win win right :D[up]
Don't lower your value by giving away stuff for free. It may be "nice" but that's not how the world works sadly.
Who wants to be like the "world" anyway, for the most part Buellers are a different breed. Plus he's doing what he can to support the guy that built our Bikes. Lots of respect for those like Delta, Hawk, Octo who don't mind helping people out and occasionally getting next to nothing in return. Sometimes I wonder what's your angle Dave?
yea because we all want a world that works like that.

so I'm starting it my way,
if anybody wants a poster at cost of production and shipping let me know. (ie no profit for me)
you can pick whats on it if you would like.

right now I can only get moderate quality prints, once I get everything set up through my local high quality shop I'll start a thread on it.
but enough talk :p

these are not really fun for everybody but they are of the new EMS sim lab so they are really interesting (well to me anyway but im an EMS student ;) and probably for emergency personnel too)

the ambulance room

inside the "ambulance"


sim man 3g Not sure why he is 3g, he doesn't use a 3g network at all (hes getting setup for bluetooth and wifi)


pupilary response as well as fluid secretion

neo nate sim room

living room sim room (that was redundant [confused])

variable catastrophic event room
playing with the Christmas tree lights [smirk]


note this is not HDR and only touched lightly in post

it was a triple exposure at three different apertures each exposure was 30 seconds and a moderately low ISO

not sure why the meta data says what it does
Great thread. If I may, I'd like to share some of my personal experience for anyone seriously considering venturing into photography.

Ive found the best way to picking up some work is to get your name out there.

Doing free work for your friends is a great way, yes, as it will get you gobs about of practice and critique. It will also however devalue your work a little if you do it too long. Not only that, but you will soon see that nothing pushes you to excel faster than some green, and some clientele, lingering over your head to get the job done lol.

Join competitions. They are free and you can win money. Once you win one you can use that to market yourself. This brings me to my next point...

Get a website going. True, websites can be expensive if you don't have the capability or right friends, but you don't need to go to that extent. Start small with a blog which is free to start, free to maintain and free to design. Once you have that going you can spread your name quite easily by linking it to your Facebook, email signatures, business cards, etc. All you need to post is the address, no fancy prints which cost $$ They can see your images on your blog. Blogger, Tumblr, Etc....take your pick.

Another great way to make money from your photography exponentially is to join a stock photo site like iStock. Sure they are a little tough to actually get accepted to because so many people try to join everyday and flood them with crap, however once youre in and start uploading can sell one photo thousands of times (if its a useful one to the masses) and make money sitting on your ass. You can also post that success on your blog or website mentioned above to further enhance your validity to your clientele. "This photo was a lot of fun and has finally hit the 100 mark on ..." bla bla bla...people's interests will be peaked and you will move up a notch on the "being considered for hire scale"

One example of a useful photo. This has been a good seller for me, its useful for a lot of night life ads, flyers, websites, menus...anything where someone would need collateral to show night life.


Lastly and probably most importantly, take your camera everywhere. You never know when you will see something that peaks your interest. Ever since I started making money selling photos I have taken my rig everywhere. I bring my camera and I look for things that people could use, just like the cocktail drink above. Try to shy away from flowers, clouds, famous buildings as these are the things they already have enough of. Anyway, this wall all be explained before you are allowed to join and upload.

Glad I found this thread, looking forward to seeing more of your work [up]
Got some decent (I think) pics yesterday .. no Buells in them though :p




This I found in the bushes .. the guy was bone dry





This thing was like 6 or 7 inches! Supposed to be a bit poisonous
I would love to let that thing slither into the shower with BuellChick and see how fast she jumps her big ass out :D:D:D
What do you guys think of the 60d?

I have a D50, D80 and D40. 40 is my favorite. I've owned over 30 Nikon SLR's since 1988 and unless you need 5 FPS the D40 is great and affordable.

The D60 is actually a D40 body with a few more card-clogging pixels, a VR lens and adaptive dynamic range, but a slower maximum shutter speed with flash.

The D60 is less sensitive to light then the D40 (its default ISO is only ISO 100 compared to the D40's default ISO of 200). Its less sensitive to light because the pixels have to be made smaller to cram more of them into the same-sized sensor. Smaller pixels collect fewer photons than larger pixels. Since the D60 is half as light sensitive, the D60 has to use twice as long a shutter speed or a larger aperture, which makes it more likely to make a blurry picture than the D40. OOPS!

Save your money and get the D40 instead. The D40's faster sync speed is invaluable for use with flash outdoors, and the extra light sensitivity in normal use will help make sharper pictures. These three cameras (D40, D40x, D60) otherwise, for most users, are identical. Compare them in person and you'll see. Megapixels don't matter.
By no means the best camera at a whopping 3mp, but some good shots IMO

This picture will be incorporated into my right arm full sleeve

Bad guys don't get cars ;)

Tranquility 5min before a 2500gal propane truck full of Chlorine and a suicide bomber blew the entire area to hell with man does that **** burn.