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We're not necessarily too smart for you (unless you keep proving we are). But I'll just go ahead and bluntly say it: it's tiresome to hear incessant whining about how "my bike isn't fast enough, boo hoo hoo, I want an R1." The R1 has been out for 15 years, so it's nothing new. I wish this could be broadcast to the entire motorcycling community: If you want an R1, stop whining and get an R1! Stop looking to non-R1 forums for validation.
Get one of these tyler, it'll make your bike SEEM faster. (you know i'm just kidding[up])

R1's are nice, but I like my buell better. If I ever were to have one of those typical bikes I'd like it to be an R1. WTF is wrong with you guys riding that fast on the street anyway? I've taken my buell up to near top speed once for a second on an open road, I think it was ~130mph. Other than that I rarely go above 80mph, and never any other time have been above 100mph.

I don't understand what's so fun above being at near death speeds? I have a family I'd like to go home to, and I can have more fun at lower speeds in corners safely.

I once hit 160+mph in my buddy's camaro, afterwards we realized how stupid that was and how lucky we were that we didn't have a tire blow out or anything like that. Just the force of the wind after letting off the gas almost pulled us off onto the shoulder and out of control. It's amazing how different your perception is at high speeds. It wasn't even fun, it was terrifying.
I take one look at this thread and just imagine the speeding tickets and phone calls to families about dead family members. You guys need to slow it down. There's a reason Buells are the perfect motorcycles and that's because they DON'T have the top end of inline 4s, thus making them more useable within the confines of what is safe and what is legal. So what if my 1125r can't do 200mph, I'll probably never take it to it's maximum speed and I certainly don't plan on getting arrested over some adrenaline. Take it from the 20 year old kid who clearly has more control of his actions than you older people do [cool]
wow i really started some $hit lol I'm 51 w/ a family and jump on it only where i know there no side roads.I'm pissed i'm on my 3rd water pump in 2000 miles.
damn i hit 140 a few times on my 12r, i mean i get it id probly go faster if i could. and thats why im keeping my buell. that and i dont look like a tool on the same bake as everyone else in the world
r1 is a great bike you'll love it.if you can ride,it will handle just as good as your buell just needs a little more far as american made goes its more like assembled in the usa.

I guess according to the opinions in this thread, the younger you are the more sense you have....(I'm 25 and that other guy above said he was 20).
i'm 20, and while i wish i had a 12, i know that i wouldn't want to go much faster than what my buell can do. I rode my cousins SV1000 for about an hour the other day on some back country roads while he rode my 9R. His SV was definitely faster than my firebolt, and had a better transmission for sure, but it felt like a pig in the corners. It was fun to go a bit faster than normal for a bit, but you eventually get to a point where if you get caught you just go to jail.....I was happy to get back on my "little" firebolt.
It just enforces why I am not a bit jealous of most liter bikes, and certainly none of the I-4s. I enjoy the hell out of my Buell, and wouldn't trade it for an R1, 'Busa, ZX-14r...I have seen them all, and the styling, handling, and uniqueness are sub-par. Our bikes are crafted, not manufactured. I understand that our bikes are borrowing from technology that is slightly newer than a P38 can opener. I love it, and I'm proud I'm not on a cookie-cutter bike that sounds like a swarm of pissed off bumble-bees.

So, please, get your R1 and blow by me at 100-something stupid MPH. I will laugh when you have 6 ISP officers running you down because the fact is, you can't outrun a Motorola. I'll stick to the twisties and own the other bikes that brag about 170+ top end speed. I've got the power when and where I need it.

Point is...if you dislike your Buell that much, please sell it. I have a buddy that is looking for one and we are already planning on some sweet mods for the winter. Any by the way, I can' still work on my bike (if it needs it) with standard hand tools, or tools I can make.

Speaking of a limited edition...If you have a Buell of any flavor, you have one of 136,923 made in 26 years...that's pretty limited.
20 or 50 years old doesn't have any impact on how "big your balls are". It's just a matter of stupidity. There's a time and a place to do this stuff and it's not on the street.
the street around here is a 25 mile stretch of flat black top with no more than 2 or 3 cars every hour, yes i ride like a phsyco on the road out in BFE (bum-f$%k egypt)
it's not on the street.

I dont find the liter bikes to sound very good or be very comfy, certainly better for ultra high speeds than my buell, just not a worth while exchange to lose what i like about my buell to gain another 70 MPH. If u like it, ride it and dont talk **** about my ride :D
I have no fear of my buell, I'm just not stupid enough to regularly do something that will eventually get me (or worse, others) injured/killed.

Having no fear of something and having respect/good judgement of something are different. One is associated with stupidity and one responsibility. Typically a 50 year old will have better judgement than a 20 year old, but not always.

I ride my bike fast at times, but riding that fast on public roads where other cars, animals, pot holes, etc can get you in trouble is just stupid. That's what tracks are for.
I agree! Had CBR sold it. Took it up too 160mph and realized WTF amd I doing. Sold it got my buell and havent looked back.

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