Guess What (level 1)

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>>A tennis ball in black and white! :D
Lol, nope. I don't currently have any tennis balls on my bike!
>>The run symbol on the kill switch.
You were so close JOEL9...

>>High beam symbol on left control ?
freak2180 is correct. Reminds me of a jellyfish:

To the naked eye, the black texture really isn't noticeable.
That's amazing how rough that surface looked up close!

i thought that it was one of those symols until i looked at my bike and thought it was to smooth.

It's interesting to see it backed away even and see how rough it still is, AND the little specs of yellow and red dots scattered.
Good eye, netty. I saw those too and am not sure of their origin.

Next: I also was not expecting to see this:
LOL. First, a mouse. Why not a tapeworm.
>>Filament in bulb. BOOM!
No, though I did just recently replace my HID LiteEyes with standard 55W bulbs.