Had an accident tonight.... (damn dog)

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Sorry to hear about your bike. That's why pa is nice. Its legal to kill a dog if its attacking you. And carrying a fire arm is legal also :) that's why I carry everywhere
a dog is not worth more than an innocent person. keyword innocent, which you were.

if it was my dog i would have joined in on kicking the thing in the head. i love dogs and its a shame when animals go crazy but **** happens and it has to be dealt with.

i hope you come out of this situation on top, but ive been disappointed in the system before and im sure i will again
I'd sue the owner for sure, I can't believe the stupid cop didn't cite the driver for not controlling his dog. What if you weren't wearing gear and the dog chewed the **** out of you? Still your fault?! WTF?

+1 to that. If I were you I would be talking tomorrow to the lawyer and sue the **** out of that guy.

That is one crazy story. WOW!!!!!!!

Sucks about you and the bike. I've got 3 dogs but I think you're totally justified to defend and protect yourself in that situation if a dog comes after you. Stupid owners need to train or restrain their dogs if they're that uncontrollable and not let them out in public. Hope you beat the **** out of that owner. It's ****** up he came after you instead of restraining his dog. It's unbelievable how stupid some people can be.

My lawyer called me back this morning. Not only is she a workahaulic she for some reason really likes me (or my money). I called and left her a message last night, she called me back at 7am. She is going to contact the PD 1st thing this morning.

Sorry to hear about your bike. That's why pa is nice. Its legal to kill a dog if its attacking you. And carrying a fire arm is legal also that's why I carry everywhere

I'm a Pa resident but work in the Peoples Republic of NJ. Had this incident occur in Pa, the outcome might have been a little different. I also carry everywhere I legally can.

Thanks for all the support. I will keep you guys as informed as I can.
good on you recon for getting on it.

as citizens, when **** like this happens, it is our obligation to see things through so that the problems get dealt with. not only so that wrongs are righted, but so that a blind eye doesnt get turned to a vicious animal and two weeks later, that same dog mauls and mangles some innocent kid. that **** happens, and everyone gets upset and asks "how could this have happened???" there are always warning signs, some people are just to stupid to read them.
the way i see it, there are 4 things that need to happen. #1, that owner needs to be cited for the dog attack. #2. the owner needs to be charged criminally for attacking you. #3. that owner needs to make things right with you; you bike and riding gear need to be replaced/fixed to your satisfaction, he needs to deal with the dog in a manner which you agree with, and he needs to ******* apologized to you. #4. that police officer needs to be standing tall before his supervisor, and he needs to get set straight. the way i see it, he owes you an apology as well; and if not, sue the department.
keep us posted for sure.
out of control dog owners, police officers, and dogs really push my buttons....could ya tell? lol
i took that dog out and shot her in the head.

Myronman, I love the passion and agree with everything you said with the exception of the above. There's a saying about winning the lottery, you can't win if you don't play. Obviously that statement is talking about probabilities, increasing the odds. Wouldn't you agree that putting a rott, which is considered an aggressive breed by animal control/veterinary classifications and also very territorial into an environment with an infant/toddler/young child would increase the odds of a negative outcome? So to say she showed slight aggressive behavior as result of the circumstances and the environment you put that dog in warranted shooting her in the head?

There are certain demeanors, mannerisms, actions that dogs display that create aggression in sometimes very low aggression dogs that are done by accident that can possibly provoke an animal, I.e. Posturing or looking directly into their eyes. Could be easily done by a child who wouldn't know better resulting in that child being mauled.

If that dog was so loved, maybe finding an environment or another owner who was more capable or willing to work with that dog would've been a better solution? Maybe giving the animal better odds of succeeding? Just a thought?

And to reiterate, I agree with virtually everything you said, so it's just a discussion, not coming at you by any means. And yes that owner is responsible for this situation, letting the dog get out of the car off leash.

And I lived in a house with roommates with 3 rotts, 2 males and 1female, which is the worst combination, so speaking from experience on this.

as an owner of a pet you have an obligation to keep it controlled.
if it is loose it is your fault.
if it bites someone you are to blame.

are there leash laws where you were attacked?
was it on a leash?

if there are leash laws and it was in the public without a leash there is an offense against the owner.
it attacked you and the owner attacked you.
the dog/owner caused a vehicular accident
the police failed to handle the situation, now you have something to file against the officers.

you have a lot to use in this situation.
richard....i respect what you said, and the way you said it. but the answer is still a resounding "no". what i did was without question the only viable solution with a guareenteed outcome. i am not a gambling man. rather than not face a situation i had to deal with, i dealt with it.
i had the dog for six years, life happened, and kids came along. adjustments were to be made by everyone in the family. she was 8 when it happened. no matter what, people are higher on the importance scale than animals. now when you factor in that it was my child, the scales tilt even harder.
people are more important than animals. period.
there was no one other than me that i could trust with that dog. while she was a great dog, make no mistake, she was a weapon. and i could not take the chance of her being anywhere but under my control. the only way i could guareentee nothing would happen to an innocent person was to put her down. it is a responsiblity i accepted when i took ownership of that dog.
also, it would have been cruel to the dog to displace her from everything she had known. i believe it would have just compounded the odds that something bad would have happened.
and, there is consideration for the breed. when a dog of a certain breed doese something bad, it reflects on other dogs of the same type, like it or not; fair or not.
not to thread hijack...i am of the mind that owning a dog, any dog, is not to be taken lightly. sometimes the best ending isnt always a happy one. especially with the larger breeds. and i hate seeing innocent people pay because someone else didnt have the guts to do what needed to be done. that crap wasnt going to happen with my dog.

bad owners create bad dogs, and bad situations. innocent people end up getting hurt needlessly. bad dog owners really make my blood boil.
Again I agree with most of what you're saying! We think alike in many aspects of dog ownership and responsibility, but dogs adapt to change, in most cases better than people.

Agree to disagree!

Good stuff, and sorry for the thread jack!

Most states require animals to be restrained if in a vehicle, if NJ is one of those cases then his failure to do so ruins his defense. Hell, can probably nail him with all kinds of negligence, assault, assault with a deadly weapon(the dog), have a field day.

Good luck bro, hope it works out.
People are but one species of animal. People are more important than other animals to people. I doubt that whales(or any other animal) place people higher on the importance scale than themselves.

Nitpicking really.
+1 myron, archangel

This was an unprovoked attack, and anyone who tried to defend the owner or dog should have their day...in court (being nice since it is an open forum). I have been on both sides of a case like this, and you DEFINITELY have a case.

Memorize that line if they even TRY and hit you with animal abuse. It'd be a real bitch if you hadn't had gear and would be in the trauma unit because a dog like that is trying to KILL, because they are animals and that is what they know.

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