i took that dog out and shot her in the head.
Myronman, I love the passion and agree with everything you said with the exception of the above. There's a saying about winning the lottery, you can't win if you don't play. Obviously that statement is talking about probabilities, increasing the odds. Wouldn't you agree that putting a rott, which is considered an aggressive breed by animal control/veterinary classifications and also very territorial into an environment with an infant/toddler/young child would increase the odds of a negative outcome? So to say she showed slight aggressive behavior as result of the circumstances and the environment you put that dog in warranted shooting her in the head?
There are certain demeanors, mannerisms, actions that dogs display that create aggression in sometimes very low aggression dogs that are done by accident that can possibly provoke an animal, I.e. Posturing or looking directly into their eyes. Could be easily done by a child who wouldn't know better resulting in that child being mauled.
If that dog was so loved, maybe finding an environment or another owner who was more capable or willing to work with that dog would've been a better solution? Maybe giving the animal better odds of succeeding? Just a thought?
And to reiterate, I agree with virtually everything you said, so it's just a discussion, not coming at you by any means. And yes that owner is responsible for this situation, letting the dog get out of the car off leash.
And I lived in a house with roommates with 3 rotts, 2 males and 1female, which is the worst combination, so speaking from experience on this.