Had an accident tonight.... (damn dog)

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Sorry to hear about this man.. ZeroFlat i totally agree with you. Im from KY, and concealed carry is for your protection. Most people around here believe if a dog attacks someone for no reason, it should be put down. Just think if that was a child walking down the street with his/her parents. Hope everything works out!

Sorry for the delay, I had a company Golf outing so I was un-plugged for the day.

I heard from my lawyer today:

1) I will not be charged with anything. (probably not going to get an apology from the cop though)

2) Repairs to my bike will be covered by the dog owners insurance company or the dog owner himself. (Lawyer said to get the bike fixed and send them the receipts)

3) The dog will be put down. I'm the 3rd biker the dog attacked in 2 years.

4) No Attorney Fees provided:
a. I let her husband hunt my lease again this season
b. This issue never goes to court. (meaning the guy and/or his insurance company pay as agreed)
put the owner down and find the dog a better home
good proposal... but u forgot the cop. What to do with him??? I thing option 2: find him a better home means a new job in Alaska.
i would go talk to the police officers' boss. maybe go to the mayor, first (if a city cop). set up an appointment, take some good people with you. be nice, but firm; that the situation was handled wrong. respectfully let him know, in front of your peeps, that the outcome was unacceptable. have the state statues printed out and in your hands....maybe even call the local news channel and see if they will send a news crew down with you; explain the situation to them, and tell them you are going to respectfully confront the chief about his officers protecting a vicious dog. nothing like a camera in the face to get results.

sounds like you have a good handle on everything else. good!

i have had great luck with that. police chiefs, and sheriffs, are public servants.
Sounds like fairly decent resolution. An apology from the cop would be good, and personally I'd file charges against the owner for assault...but it may just be easier this way and not worth the time.

The dog owner will be paying for an new set of gear I assume? You went down wearing all of it, and it was his fault. I wouldn't settle for less than that.
^[up] sorry about this whole deal. Glad it's pretty much summed up. Be safe, brother!
One of the best things to do when you have a a problem like this with local law is to write in editorials to the newspapers and ask for interviews with local news... When bad press starts showing up it gets city officials in gear.

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