Having problem with high beem and brake light not illuminating. need ideas

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Tyler Oxton

Well-known member
May 19, 2010
My high beem will not come on! Maybe yall can tell me some reasons why? Also my brakes dont illuminate when i hit them. running light works but brake doesnt. all bulbs are new so that not issue
ive already checked the fuses. they all seem fine. would it be the "light fuse"? caus it kinda weird. when i take it out the low beem still works...
I just had an issue after a copper deficicient mouse ate my tail light wires inside the tail of my 2003 XB9R. In the proccess, I blew the ACC fuse. I had to use a magnifying glass to see the break in the fuse as it was sooo small unlike usual when they really blow out. Anyways, I was not getting power to the low beam, blinkers, and guage cluster, but my high beam and brake light worked.

Look for any worn or damaged wiring in the tail and under the fairing. Repair what is necessary. Inspect your fuses CLOSELY!! I missed the burnt fuse the first time because it was harline wide.
still need some help on this issue guys and gals. cant figure the stupid thing out. any ideas are great
Take the bulbs out and check for voltage with a multimeter - have someone hitting the brakes and flipping the hi/low beam switches. If no voltage, backtrack form there. Has to be a pin in a connector not making contact or a wire cut.
If you pull your light fuse and the HIGH beam does NOT go out so you most likely have the front lights crossed, thus the reason your low beam stays on.

As far as the brake not working that sounds like it could be your main wire is flipped around giving the effect that nothing is happening when you hit the brake since it is already lit up fully. Pull the light out and flip the plug, then give it a shot, if that doesnt work flip it back and then see if you possibly put the bulb in backward.

I just walked out to my bike and pulled each fuse to see if I could mirror your issue through the fuses and it wasnt happening the headlights and brake light are seperate, If neither of the first two items I mentioned are correct I would think you either have a grounding issue or if you recently messed with the wires???

See here is the plug I mean the red and orange wired plug, if it is flipped it will illuminate the brake all the time and when you hit the brake nothing will happen as it is already getting the juice for the brake light
thanks for the new suggestions Stevenc150 and Xtremelow. Im goin to try what yall said and pray that it works. The bike was wreck and i did take everything apart and put back together so maybe this is it. Thanks, ill post back up. all ideas are good
didnt help the brake. Only the running light filament is lit up. cant get the brake one to light up so i think i may have a bad wire possibly either that or the sensor for it isnt working. but i have no clue. im going to have to get a meter to check if im getting power. havnt checked the headlight yet. Im not sure quite what u mean by the wires are crossed. Are you refering to the ones that plug into the bulb. and if the were crossed wouldnt that just change the high and low sides. still would work though...