Got my pipe back from Randy today, and got it put back on.
This thing sounds awesome. Doesn't sound like a lawnmower any more. Sounds like a big block Chevy. It has a nice deep rumble. Very clear, no rasping or cracking.
I didn't get to ride it very far, just around the block, but all the neighbors were stopping and looking, even the people out mowing could hear the bike over their mowers.
Just from my short ride, I didn't notice any power loss anywhere, it seemed to rev a little quicker.
Sorry I didn't have time to get a longer ride , but I will post back after I get some more ride time in. It definitely didn't hurt anything and sounds AMAZING and on top of that Randy is an awesome guy and is definitely a shining star in the Buell world. He produces a great product at a great price and I would recommend anyone looking for a pipe mod to consider him.
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