Hawk Performance Mufflers!!!

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Rice riders wish they had that problem.;)

One solution is GAIN WEIGHT! I have no problem keeping my front end down. But then I'm pushing 15 Stone.
uh weight cant do that need to get lighter...Air Force doesnt want any fatties trying to get in..but serousely like is there a way to let the clutch out better...I dont really have SMRT people to learn from:p
Try less throttle and a smoother clutch transition and you should be fine.[up]
Bardo, when I was in the AF a million years ago, I spent at least half my hitch on the fat boy program. In Germany, OTC diet pills were stronger than the speed folks bought on the street in the US. Weight loss time was beer and diet pills. Over did it a few times and stayed awake for 3 or 4 days sometimes.
Don't drink anymore or use any drug not prescribed. So now I just have to suck it up and work the input output equation.[smirk]
I'm PUMPED! Just shipped out my stock muffler for the Hawk treatment, my ecu to get flashed, and my tail to get chopped. Can't beat the $200 price for all that.
Did anyone get a Hawk muffler with an exhaust tip configuration other than his standard two pipes at 45 degree angles outboard? I saw a picture on this forum of a custom muffler with two pipes welded straight back, with their tips trimmed at 45 degrees, and thought that looked a lot cooler. I was looking for other ideas, and if anyone got special order tips, whether you still love the sound.
There are a couple of guys who had different tips. I know Randy will work with you on any custom work you want done. I think there are some pics in this thread.
Here's mine! 3.25" SS outlet:

OK sdo just out of curiosity and I mean no disrespect but how does his product compare to Drummer and Special O.P.S.? Not $ i know his is the least expensive. I want a pipe with a good tone however i don't want it D&D loud.
Unfortunately Randy's pipes weren't in the ASB shootout so we haven't seen a side-by-side comparison although the dyno sheets that Fishgutz posted recently look promising (2009 XB12 w/o remap if I remember correctly?) Randy does offer maps or complete re-flash of your ECM on the earlier models for FREE so that's definitely nice...Even if the others claim their pipes don't need the remap, I'm willing to bet that a remap would be optimal and some would argue necessary.

Build-wise I'd say they're equivalent to the Drummer & Spec OPS from what I've seen...No fancy billet cap though (don't think he has that capability?) Randy is more than willing to work out custom designs as you see in my pic above.

From what I've read the D&D is just about the loudest out there. If ear-splitting loudness is what you're after go D&D. I once heard a Force exhaust on an X1. The dude revved it up for me and my ears literally rung for hours after. I specifically told Randy that was NOT what I wanted when we talked. I like the loudness level of my Hawk. It demands attention without making your ears bleed. Nice low pitch rumble that actually smooths out while cruising.

If you're on the fence about Hawk, just give the guy a call and talk things over with him. He's seriously one of the nicest and most accommodating people I've ever worked with. I've personally read through every post in the 16 pages of this thread thus far and know that there's not one person that is dissatisfied. Even the guys that don't care for Randy at Badweb haven't really knocked his work. As a matter of fact, he won't accept payment until your pipe is fitted up and you are happy with the results...that's service!![up]
My stock ECM adjusted nicely to the Hawk and K&N on its own. no remapping done. Dyno run showed good A/F mix. Not lean as some have said it can be when change the exhaust and the intake.
I can't wait to find a nearly full parking garage to drive through.
I just sent off my exhaust to Randy today. Talked to him on the phone and he said that he would get it out asap. I, like many of you on here, are very pleased with his customer service. I was considered outlets similar to the micron exhaust but he talked me out of it. He made a good point that I didn't think of about it burning your boots/legs when you throw your leg over the bike. Thanks Randy, keep up the good work.
Dropped my pipe off to Randy today, he says he should have it ready for me tomorrow evening.

After talking with Randy on the phone for about 30 minutes, then dropping off my pipe to him at his house and talking with him another 45 minutes, I have to say, he is a genuinely nice guy. You can tell he really loves doing this any riding his bike which I must say is a kick ass black 12S.

He fired it up to let me hear what the pipe would sound like and I must say it is awesome. Just a nice deep rumble, very deep. One of those sounds like you hear it but you just can't quite tell where it is coming from till it is right on you.

I'll let everyone know more when I get it on my bike, but after talking with him and hearing his, I don't have any doubts that I will be happy.
I just put my new HAWK muffler on my bike...DAMN. . . deep rumble makes me feel like I'm on a muscle car. I'M SO HAPPY!!!! Gonna ride all day tomorrow to get the ECM dialed in. Going with the HAWK PERFORMANCE MUFFLER... was definitely the right choice.

Thanks Randy!!

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