Headlight Mod for Firebolt gone awry

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Jul 17, 2012
I took Speedkills post on Headlight Mods to make BOTH lights come on when high beam is on (because yes, I'm tired of being told I have a light out). I noticed he has a Lightening, but take on the challenge anyway, print out the instructions and go to work. Well, it took an hour to figure out how to get to the headlight harness plug and had to tear down the entire fairing and light bracket. At last! Access to the harness plug! D'oh! There aren't FOUR wires on my plug, only THREE! I'm supposed to switch the yellow wire with the orange wire, but all I have is a yellow wire, black and white.


Then I notice a suspiciously clean and white wire below and some suspicious splicing...


Could this be an HID modification? Is there any way to proceed from here on reaching the goal of both lights coming on when the high beams are on? Any input is welcomed at this point since basically I'm at a crossroad and need info to continue forward. Thanks!!!
Nope, that's definitely NOT an HID modification.

I'm also not 100% sure if the lightning wiring is the same as the firebolts.
I don't really have an answer but I don't see any "suspicious splicing". Am I overlooking something?
my firebolt has both lights on when the highbeam is on, i didn't do anything to it and its all factory wiring.

I'm pretty sure the mod is only for lightnings
See where my finger is pointing? It's an orange wire spliced with a yellow wire and held together with electrical tape.

Upon further inspection, it looks as if BOTH headlight wires are in the same spot. So the fat GREY wire contains both headlight wires. then there is the yellow and the white. Well, I'm going to button this back up because this is my last day I can work on anything until September as I'm about to hit the busy time in work. I would still like to get this resolved if possible. I've been reading the wiring schematics and the book is showing 4 wires as well, so I don't know what the heck is going on with this set up. Previous owner doesn't know, either. I did get some photos taken this morning, so I'll post those in the Lady Bueller's post. Have a great weekend and if anyone comes up with any ideas on this, I would be greatly appreciative of the input!
what year is your bolt, because my 04 has both headlights on when the high beam is on already. just turn the high beam on and run with both lights all the time. I do this, plus i took the spoon out of the low beam.
Firebolt doesn't need this mod. You should have both lights with high bean on already. If not you need to trouble shoot that.
Yeah - I think he was trying to have the high beam on with the low beam - as apposed to having the low beam on with the high beam.

Like the other's have said, keep the high beam switch on to have both lights working.
My '03 is not that way. One light for high, and one light for low. Both come on if I have on the low beam, and I hit the high beam trigger. I honestly don't know where to start. Electrical is not even CLOSE to my specialty. I was really hoping to not have to pay someone a gabillion dollars to rectify this.
Someone else mentioned it first, but the ghetto version of the dual-light mod is just to leave the switch half-way between normal/highbeam. Works for me! [up]
My '03 is not that way. One light for high, and one light for low. Both come on if I have on the low beam, and I hit the high beam trigger.  I honestly don't know where to start. Electrical is not even CLOSE to my specialty.  I was really hoping to not have to pay someone a gabillion dollars to rectify this.
sounds like either your switch is messed up or someone dicked with the wiring. Both your lights should be on with high beams from the factory.
Yeah I think someone changed it from stock to be how it is now. FlaX's is an 03 and like he said both his lights are on with high beam.

Yeah - I think he was trying to have the high beam on with the low beam - as apposed to having the low beam on with the high beam.

"He" is a she :)
the ghetto version of the dual-light mod is just to leave the switch half-way between normal/highbeam.

That's what I've been doing, but what's annoying is when I have to bring on the low beams (oncoming cars, laws, etc), it's hard to get it back in the middle while flying through the twisties. :-D
why not just leave them both on all the time. I do it. doesn't seem to bother anybody. I've even driven past a few police cars like that and they didn't do anything. remember, our headlights are much smaller then a cars.
Probably because the other bikers I ride behind complain too much about my high beams being on?

Would like to fix the problem. Not looking good tho....
then my final suggestion would be, have you thought about adding a spoon to your high beam to make it a second low beam?
My two cents.

High beam on gives me both lights and that's the way I ride. Silverstar Ultras are installed. I want maximum visibility and I've only had a few people flash at me. Tough, everybody is out to kill you.

Are you trying to do this with the engine off? You only get the high beam that way, engine running gets you both.