Hearing protection

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
What type & brand of ear protection are yall using and what do you like and dislike about your choice?

just trying to find a good source of hearing protection thats comfy and works well.

I start with what Just bought
Hearos black washable & reusable ear plugs.
Pros........ NONE!!
1. I Will NEVER recomend anyone buy these. When placeing them in your ears they feel like you just preasurized your ear canal because they dont let any air past them as you push them in your ear canal.

2. They fall out as soon as I start to sweat and bounce around in my helmet.
I use ear plugs I get at Wallyworld aka Walmart quiets down the Micron pretty well and practially no wind noise. Just generic brand no real name to them
Mine are a random brand I found at the food store by all the bandaids and what not. They're just a plain ivory/skin color. I can't tell you the brand because after I took 2 out my cat hid the rest of the box. They're the kind that are foam cylinders that you roll up in your fingers and hold there until they expand.

I'll use them if I'm going to be on the highway, but I hate using them for normal riding. I feel like the noises I hear inside my head are worse than what's outside(I know, but they're not voices so it's not that bad). Any time I try to move around or do anything I feel like it causes more noise, not sure how to describe it. Maybe it's just the constant pressure on my ear drums or something.

I also hate standing there on the side of the road with a finger in my ear waiting for the things to expand.
cool deal guys.... Ive never worn any ear plugs while riding till I bought those peices of junk. I do enjoy the ride more with them and was just curious. I work in the oilfeild so I have access to all the free earplugs I can get......just didnt know if there was any major diffrences in style or firmness that people perfered. I do know that some brands that are firmer can start to hurt my ear canals after a long period of use so Im looking more towards a medium or soft compound. Also if you go to Hearos web page they are giving away Free Samples of there earplugs. I also contacted them about the poor quality of the plugs I bought and asked it they could do anything about my disatisfaction.......we will see.
I don't see how people can ride with them stuck in your ears, even when your wearing a helmet. I do notice the wind blast is quite bad but think I'll go the extended flyscreen since I'm not to tall. I've heard mixed feelings on them though so would like to see one in action. I'll do some ear damage untill then!!!
I really don't see a reason for them. My Shoei TZR has excellent sound proofing. I can't stand to have anything stuffed in my ears.
not the greatest idea to use ear plugs but you get awesome music and it drowns out the noise.im running a jardine gp1 exhaust and i use skullcandy earphones.sound great and for 10 bucks
Earphones would be great IF I wanted to listen to music when I ride, but I dont. I have worked in factory & wharehouse jobs where ear protection was required by law and will tell anyone.....You can still hear with them in. Plus I dont wanna have to have music playing in my ears at an even louder level just to cover up wind/bike noise. The point of this topic was to find out what EARPLUGS people are using......NOT what earphones and music are you using. Besides I have yet to figure out how music while riding is safe.....unless you are the passanger. The idea is to cancel or prevent the noise's that cause noise fatigue......not add to the stuff thats already there.

Now back to your regularly schedualed program.......
I wear earplugs as well, I can hear everything just fine.. I hate having headaches after riding. I don't use a specific brand, just whatever I have. All seem to work the same for me so far. I tend to forget how loud the D&D is until I take the plugs out lol
I use Howard Leight by Sperian. The model is MAX LITE and they're 30db NRR.

I'm really not a fan of having plugs in my ears for extended periods but on a long ride, I'd rather have the plugs in than hear a high pitch buzzing for an hour after I stop riding.

They're pretty comfortable too, seeing as they're low pressure foam.
thanks for all the replies guys. I guess im going to grad a handfull or two from my workshop here at the rig when i go home and give them a shot....
I use the yellow foam hearos from walgreens(32db or so). The blue ones are a tad too big for me. you can reuse them multiple times.
I like them because I can barely feel them and the noise reduction is quite nice. I used to get tired of riding after half an hour or so because of all the wind noise. No more.
Custom earplugs from Etymotic Research from your local audiologist. They're about 200 bucks to get a pair molded to your ears and take a few weeks to make, but they're worth their weight in gold. I use mine with a few different filters (15 dB reduction, 25 dB reduction) for different applications.
Custom earplugs from Etymotic Research from your local audiologist. They're about 200 bucks to get a pair molded to your ears and take a few weeks to make, but they're worth their weight in gold. I use mine with a few different filters (15 dB reduction, 25 dB reduction) for different applications.

cool......ive never heard of custom earplugs.[up]
I love the sound of my bike. I also ride by sound. I dont like the idea of covering it up. I also like to hear the cars around me. Im not sure how I feel about ear plugs but im glad you brought it up.
Up over 45 mph, without the ear plugs, I can't hear **** anyway. I'm sure this is partially due to the modular helmet I wear.
The Etymotic Research ear plugs don't mask any sound. Part of the reason they're so expensive is because they strive to offer dB attenuation. This means the "EQ" you hear in real life is the same you hear with the plugs in. The plugs only reduce the volume level. It's all of the safety of earplugs without any of the ****** auditory drawbacks.