Helmets, what do some of you have?

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Oct 4, 2010
Hey Guys and Gals, I need a little help! I am looking to get a really good helmet and am just wondering what some of you are using and maybe some opinions. Some background, I have a very large head, I have a XXL, right now I have a very cheap helmet and want to get one that is a little quieter and just overall better. I don't mind spending good money on one as I may not have a pretty face, but I still like it none the less. Also where is a good place to order one online? Thanks in advance for any help.
Bell, Icon, Osbe, Scorpion, and an HJC..


Pros/Cons, and retail.

Bell Star, $600, Supposed to flow air really good, comfortable, looks great, and very safe/pricey. Also note I have yet to ride in it but predict it to be the best helmet I have.

Osbe Tornado, $350(shipped to the US from the UK)- comfortable, light weight and original looking/pricey, loud, low safety

Scorpion EXO 700, $150- low cost, comfortable, great airflow, and very good safety record/not the best designs

Icon Domain, $350- looks cool/overpriced, bad air flow, and cheap feeling

HJC CL-SP $180- low cost, good airflow/low safety, not the best fit for me.
shoe x-11 love it. got it from helmet harbor best deal i could find. but i went to the bike shop and tryed on everyone i could find to test fit. last thing i want is a headache from a bad fitting helmet
last thing i want is a headache from a bad fitting helmet

Great point, if you are going to spend money on an Arai, Shoei, Shark, or Bell you want to make sure you test fit or at least do some measurements before you order.
I'm a strong proponent of wearing any helmet you're going to buy for the first time for at least 20 minutes before you put any money on the table. You might look like an idiot in the store, but having a helmet that sucks on long rides is no good.

I wouldn't buy a helmet on the internet that I hadn't tried on before hand. Ever.
Just got a new modular helmet made by Zoan (Spain) it's DOT and ECE-22-05/P rated. It's almost as nice as my Shoie TZ solid helmet but with tinted inner shield and it's a modular. Only $119. I still have my HJC Firebolt modular but it's not a very high end piece and it's noisy.


My main helmet is an arai and I really like it. After wearing other helmets, it feels like I'm just wrapping a pillow around my head. I don't remember what model it was, but it was in the $500-600 range. Definitely a nice helmet but I doubt I'll spend more than $300 on my next one. I have an HJC modular helmet and it's super loud, I think it's the Sy-max.

One other reason to try it on before you buy it is because my medium HJC is a little bit big, but if I try my wife's small HJC it just hurts, and gives me a headache, not to mention screws with my glasses. I've also tried on a bunch of their MX helmets since I was looking for one to wear around town and one of their small MX helmets fits me perfect, while one of their other small MX helmets doesn't fit me right at all. So just because you might know that a certain size in one brand fits, it definitely doesn't mean that all of them well.

Next helmet I get is definitely going to have a drop down tinted visor. No more carrying a spare visor or leaving with the clear visor when it's super bright just so I can get home when it's dark.
im looking to get a new helmet,i bought a buell helmet to match my bike but it sucks,it looks great but way too much noise and if i crack open the visor the air is too stong for my eyes. i tryed on a bunck of helmets and the rkt 101 felt the best but how do i know if its any good without trying it. im scared to buy another helmet,i bought atleast 7 new helmet over the years and not a good one yet.
I have had two Sharks (RSX and RSR2) and a Shoei (RF1000).

The Shoei has better visibility than the Sharks, but they aren't bad, and the Sharks are just plain more comfortable and solid feeling, despite being lighter, and in the case of the RSR2, much lighter! The Shoei flows air much better than the RSX, but not as well as the RSR2, and the RSX and RSR2 are both much more quiet, the difference is VERY noticeable.

Next thing I want is a shield from these guys: http://www.shieldtechllc.com/products_powersports-visors.php so I don't have to wear sunglasses anymore.
Have an HJC FS10 with the internal flip down sun vizor. This is my first helmet and have used it for the last 2 years. Keep in mind I only have 5000 miles on my bike. the flip sun visor is the best feature although the bottom edge of the visor ends up slightly in your field of view and there is some distortion. Noisy helmet, and the nose guard was bulky and seemed to direct the air right to your eyes so I don't use it. still turbulent inside. A chin curtain migt help..

I actually bought a Shoei RF-1000 first, but being my first helmet, I had major buyers remorse and didn't want a $450 mistake, so I took it back. I wore it for a week, and looking back, it was a far superior helmet. Quiet, came with a chin curtain, better air flow, etc.

I couldn't justify using the local shop to try them on, ask questions, etc. and then buy online and bought both through local shops. One independent shop and the other through cyclegear. Independent shops can often get close to online prices.
I just ordered the HJC FS-15 Carbon Fiber in Copper yesterday...I went and checked it out in shops and absolutely loved it however the $420 price is a bit much for a college student...I went on ebay and ordered a brand new one for $180 plus $15 shipping. I consider it a great deal but I still have to wait til it gets here. :D


And it should match the buell perfectly!...but thats just a bonus...I really want it to protect my head!

Had a KBC TK-8, crashed it headfirst, broke collarbone, lots of tissue damage, 6 months off work. Insurance paid about 2500 to repair. Head was okay, lens popped off.

Last month, 100mph low side, Joe Rocket Atomic, broke rib, bruises. $100 damage to bike. Head had minor bruising, helmet was scratched in all directions.

Almost definite about replacing with a Bell Vortex, maybe the Star. Looks like the best combination of price and quality.

Reference source: Britain has got fed up with all the standards and is reviewing them. There is a gov't website that reviews most helmets and puts the score and test results on line. Surprising how many of the lower priced helmets outscore the top ones in the same brand. Best reference since the US one will show fail if a sticker is out of place!?

My hat size is 7-7/8 to 8. Starting in 1970 I bought several 7-3/4 Bell helmets which fit just fine.

In the 90's I purchased a XXL Shoei RF-R full face helmet. This was the only helmet that fit comfortably as the amount of padding in helmets increased exponentially between the 70’s & 90’s.

Last year I went looking for a new helmet. Like you I wanted a better quality helmet. I tried every XXL helmet I could find and several XXXL’s. None fit. Some I could barely get on, all felt like my head was in a vise. Again the amount of padding has increased exponentially.

AFX makes a Magnus helmet in XXXL and XXXXL. AFX Magnus is different from the others in that the Magnus shell is physically larger than any other helmet, (at least that I could find). I ended up purchasing a XXXXL from the Motorcycle Superstore. Once the “Comfort Foam” conformed to my head it became pretty comfortable.

For a cheap helmet it’s not too bad. It’s quiet, light, reasonably comfortable and has good visibility. I’m sure it’s not as good as the $400 Shoei but unlike Shoei or Arai it fits.
The Superstore will allow you to return any helmet that doesn’t fit. It only costs $6.95 to return.

Ya whatever I do buy, I will go to a local shop and try them on first! I just can't justify paying 779 for a helmet that I can get for 449 online! The problem with my local shops is that I am in Canada and the shops here stick to the retail price and will not discount, and Canadian retail is extremely overinflated! Thanks for the help so far, keep it coming!
Hey Xtremelow,

Love the Devil Dog!!! Little heavy like you said:(

Can't wait to see how you like the Bell!

Hope all is going well with you and yours!!

Later Brother
+1,000,000 on trying helmets on. And, at least with Scorpion, make sure you try on the exact model. For instance, the 700 and 1000 don't fit even close to the same, and the 900 modular is different yet. For Shoeis, the RF model fits different from the X model. Arai has different shell shapes, which you can read about on their website, araiamericas.com. If you're not going to buy before next season, a good place to try helmets on is the big motorcycle shows (Progressive?--used to be Cycle World).

Right now there are some absurd deals out there on the Scorpions. The EXO-1000s were under a hundred bucks. Check sportbiketrackgear.com and newenough.com, among others.

Alfatango's suggestion to checkout the Motorcyclist article is excellent. As a result of that article, Snell has changed their M2010 standard, but still allows manufacturers to use the M2005 standard, which is goofy. I also seem to remember that Arai has changed their construction to dissipate shock better, but I can't direct you to where I read that.
