Well, here I am again. So developments since last time. I got the new stator on. I tested the voltage at the battery with the engine running and was getting a happy 13.8 volts. Drove the bike to work and back for a week or two. Took it on a 90 mile road trip (55mph ish) and had no issues. Then, I noticed the dreaded charge light and the battery had gone down. Luckily I was pretty close to home. So I figured I'd pressed my luck and voltage regulator had failed.
I replaced the voltage regulator tonight, and to my dismay, I still wasn't seeing over 12 volts at the battery with the engine running. So I went ahead and followed the factory spec with regards to checking the working-ness of the stator and found that it failed both the continuity test where you ground one lead and touch the other lead to the pin in the stator harness (indicating the stator is grounded) and the voltage test where you run the engine and stick the leads into the stator plug again, looking for 32-40 volts at 2000 rpm.
So I guess the two top of mind questions I have are:
1) Could me not changing the voltage regulator have killed my new stator?
2) Does Harley warranty their parts from defects for any period of time?
I'm getting tired of feeling like I'm making monthly payments on a bike to keep it running. :-/
I replaced the voltage regulator tonight, and to my dismay, I still wasn't seeing over 12 volts at the battery with the engine running. So I went ahead and followed the factory spec with regards to checking the working-ness of the stator and found that it failed both the continuity test where you ground one lead and touch the other lead to the pin in the stator harness (indicating the stator is grounded) and the voltage test where you run the engine and stick the leads into the stator plug again, looking for 32-40 volts at 2000 rpm.
So I guess the two top of mind questions I have are:
1) Could me not changing the voltage regulator have killed my new stator?
2) Does Harley warranty their parts from defects for any period of time?
I'm getting tired of feeling like I'm making monthly payments on a bike to keep it running. :-/