I can't decide what oil to run......& Seafoam?

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Feb 4, 2010
I am stuck between amsoils and redline. I was thinking about the redline kit off the web for 80 bucks which has everything I need. I vetoed royal purple because its 18 dollars a quart here and I just cant afford that. Amsoil is about 11-12. I have run amsoil before in race quads and love it but I keep reading good things about red-line. So now I am torn as to what oil will be the absolute best for my bike. the previous owner ran castrol vTwin 20w50. also I was reading that adding about 1oz per gallon of sea foam to the fuel is really good for these engines. the naphtha helps a fair bit with top end lubrication and the alcohol helps displace water, wich is a good thing here in Florida. Also my throttle body is a little dark, can I spray some brake cleaner or pour some sea-foam there and scrub that out with a wire brush? will any of this harm the bike? has anyone done the direct induction via vacuum line?
Im a true believer in the seafoam, anytime my bike starts running like crap I run about 3oz. in a tank and it smooths right out. Either of those oils are good I run the Mobil 1 vtwin.

Where in Florida, Im in Central Florida on the east coast.
look online...you can get cases of oil for a lot cheaper than you would find in most stores. amazon used to have a case of royal purple max cycle 20w50 for $98. i just checked it and its up to $140 which is still under 12 bucks a quart
i've been running amsoil in the engine and primary case since i bought the bike two years ago.
A local shop owner turned me on to it after he told me that's the only thing he'll run in his buell x1 drag bike. he's got several grand in that bike, so if it's good enough for him, it's good enoughfor me. Call him if you have doubts. 979-823-2120. (seriously. he's very happy to just answer questions when i've talked to him)
I used to run mobil 1 Vtwin in my engine and primary until I took my bike to get tunned buy Terry from JT&S. When i told him that i used Mobil 1 in the primary he paused and looked at me like I was retarded.
He told me to never run any type of motor oil in the primary. I only use redline now.
By primary do you mean the tranny? I plan on usig the amsoil 20w50 or straight 50w sense I'm Florida and then the amsoil tranny oil?
I run Royal Purple in my Electra Glide and Amsoil in my Buell. Have never heard of Seafoam. Would like to hear some more about it. I live in Central Florida myself, in Bartow, which is half way between Tampa and Orlando.
By primary do you mean the tranny? I plan on usig the amsoil 20w50 or straight 50w sense I'm Florida and then the amsoil tranny oil?


I run the 20w50 in both and i'm in central TX
Sea foam is something I use when I buy a used vehicle with a dirty throttle body or suspect o dirt injectors. I put one can in the gas tank. One can in the oil and then run a can diectyl through a vaccum line. Let the car suck enough from the can that it dies. Let it set for 15 minutes. Then take I for a ride. After that tank of gas the throttle body is bright and clean and then I change the oil. You would be surprised and the extra crap that comes out. Gets a lot of the sludge from the bottom of the pan out. PS. The car will smoke like crazy for about 15 minutes as it burns off a bnuch of carbon deposits
check out bob the oil guy's forum. You can examine used oil analysis of anykind of oil sold. Analysis shows that diesel oils holds grade slightly better than the most expensive group 4 or 5 oils like redline at a fraction of the cost. But study it for yourself.
I checked that out, but something worries me about using a product for anything but what it was designed for.
how often do you guys change the engine and primary oil? I was thinking about running the royal purple 20w50 in both, i found it for 13 a quart. but a local Vtwin shop said change the engine every 4-6k and the primary every other engine oil change..... is this good information?
i ran royal purple in my buell and cant stop loving it, until i couldn't get any more. now i'm running amsoil.
I just switched from Royal Purple to Mobil 1 Vtwin. I think the cooling from the Mobil 1 is much better than Royal purple, but iv noticed the shifts aren't as smooth and noiseless.

Never ran anything but so... Just my .02
which royal purple do you guys run? the street synthetic or the max-cycle synthetic? I know 20w50 but what type? thanks.
Don't run royal purple unless you started out the engine from get go on it! I've had problems first hand. I'm a bike tech in Orlando Ams Oil all the way!!!