WELPSIES!! I got a fix for your problem. After much research and development-- (10 minuets and three beers worth) I have a fix, I will even build the kit! First, take a trailer, then a stator from an airplane, etc, a real big one! Mount and ride!

Mowgoli OMFG that is hilarious
If riders were to make a bigger deal about it to HD maybe HD would do something about it. Its probably too little to late now.
Really? 10k motorcycles for 40k? I think you need to research the cost of developing a motorcycle, the cost of making your own carbon fiber, etc etc etc. The 1190 RS is not and never will be a 10k bike. One could argue it isn't worth 40k but the point is that, according to every article I've come across, it is worth every last penny of its price.
Also Guff and gaucher19 - how old are you and is english your first language? I ask because of the excessive lack of maturity and ability to type.