Let's talk guns

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bought a new gun this last weekend.

Picked up a Ruger MKIII 22/45 with the 5.5 inch barrel.

I got tired of dropping $100 everytime I went shooting my Glock.

Ruger pistol cost me $350, and 500 rounds of ammo was $26. Awesome!

Plinking at it's finest.
bought a new gun this last weekend.

Picked up a Ruger MKIII 22/45 with the 5.5 inch barrel.

I got tired of dropping $100 everytime I went shooting my Glock.

Ruger pistol cost me $350, and 500 rounds of ammo was $26. Awesome!

Plinking at it's finest.

I've had a Mark II for years and it is my very favorite plinking gun. It is very accurate and easy to shoot.

Funny, I was just at a Gun show this weekend (Hampton VA.) and saw the new Ruger 22/45 and wanted one. I am considering one of the 22/45's with the removable grips (they come both removable and casted in) and I wanted to get the Tactical Solutions barrel (Anodized Olive Drab of corse :) ) with a suppressor, fluted and under mounted rail. Would be a fun little gun! Plus, it would save me a BUNDLE from buying all the 45 ACP rounds that I been buying for my Colt 1911. Since it has 1911 ergo's, it'll keep me somewhat in practice at a much lower coast.


and I wanted to get the Tactical Solutions barrel (Anodized Olive Drab of corse ) with a suppressor, fluted and under mounted rail. Would be a fun little gun!

I've been looking at all the accessories for these guns. Unbelieveable.
I want the fluted barrel and the undermount rail for sure.

Surpressed would be cool.. how hard is it to get the stamp?
I'm just now looking into it here in Virginia. Gonna go ahead and submit for both the suppressor and full auto. I already have a conceal permit. Figured why not right?

I'm in Arizona, I have a concealed permit too, just don't know much about the Suppressor/full auto permits/stamps.

On that note, I was pulled over for the first time while carrying concealed last weekend.

I followed my class instructions to a T. Pulled over, put front windows down, turned off car and put the keys on the dashboard. Then had my hands at 10 and 2 when the officer made his way to my car.

He asked for my drivers license/reg/insurance. I responded with "I have a pistol on my right hip, right next to my wallet". He said "just don't shoot me". I laughed, and slowly grabbed my wallet. Handed him my license and Concealed Carry permit. I was asked to get out of the car, I did, we go to the truck of my car, has me turn around with arms raised. He pulled my gun out of my holster, asked if it had a round chambered. I said no. He pulls the magazine, opens the chamber and then ran the serial number.

After all that, I just ended up with a warning for window tint.

Good deal!
buellerpilot that gun looks sweet. im also a huge fan of the mkII. Obscure reference, Stallone used a mkI in the movie assassins.
Ahh yes, Arizona. I spent a chunk of my early life there and miss it a great deal. My mom still lives there and I look foreword to visiting when I get a chance. I lived in the little town of Huachuca City / Sierra Vista. My dad was active duty back then at Ft. Huachuca.

Where in AZ are you?

Ride or die, I guess you were at the Hampton gun show this weekend? Where in VA are you? I'm in Newport News/Hampton/Yorktown/Gloucester.

@ Kona,

It's not my gun, just a random image I pulled from Google. It is what I want to build though. I already have a Mark II, but I want to leave it alone because it shoots so damn good the way it is. But I do want a fluted, Olive Drab anodized Tactical Solutions barrel with a suppressor and under rail mount and the new 22/45 frame with 1911 grips. Shooting my 1911 has gotten expensive and 22 ammo is still cheap. It would be great to have the 1911 ergo's with a cheap 22 gun! Great..... more crap I have to keep myself from buying lol.

I've shot the Warthog, but only have my S14.45 now. They are nice, mags are junk. Buy Wolff springs for them, really cleans them up and helps with functioning. The one I messed around with didn't like cheap/weak ammo. The big/fast loads really made the thing function well. Accurate for such a small gun as well.

On the flipside...
Sub-compact/compact .45s have been criticized for less than perfect reliability. Also, Para is having some quality control issues with their newer pistols. I guess there have been a few more lemons coming out of the factory here lately.

I personally didn't like it only because I prefer full size 1911s. If i need a deeper conceal I carry my .38.

EDIT: They also make them in 9mm and .40, but can't talk on those.
Anbody ever used a knockoff eotech or aimpoint?

Thinking about picking some up to play around with till I get money for a trijicon
Thanks for the info on the Para Warthog. I'll do more reading up on them.

I have a full size Nickle plated Colt 1911. It's highly custom and was a competition (combat) gun. My dad built it 30 or so years ago and he used it a lot in shooting competitions. It was sold 20 something years ago and somehow dad got it back. He wanted to sell it again and I got from him. It's one of my prized guns not only because it's an original Colt, but because its highly customized and holds a lot of sentimental value to me.

I have a Taurus PT145 Millium for Conceal carry. It's a .45, holds 10+1, is single action, is extremely small and light weight but..... I HATE THE TRIGGER and I really prefer all metal frames (even if aluminum) and am not fond of the composites. I love 1911's, but I'm a small guy being only 5'9.5" and a buck fitty before I take a dump and the 1911 is just not comfortable to carry AT ALL. So I been looking into the sub compacts and micro 1911's. I've read a lot about reliabilities on a lot of models. I'm a good turd polisher, so I don't think I would have any problems tinkering with any 1911 based gun to getting it to shoot consistent and reliable so long as I start out with a decent gun to begin with. The Para Warthog caught my eye because the 10+1 feature which is appealing seeing as though it will replace my Taurus which has 10+1.

@BuellerPilot - I live in Phoenix (Ahwatukee).

My grandfather served in Ft. Hauchuka (spelling) and my other grandparents lived in Herford (30 minutes from Sierra Vista) so I'm very familiar with the area.

If it weren't for my job, I'd be down there, I like southern arizona more than Phoenix. Phoenix is a cluster at times.
Sidewinder, I am on the Beretta forum, but I rarely post, and I have never posted that pic there.
That picture was actually for my first dinner pic thread at Arfcom. :D
Heh. I coulda sworn I saw that picture there. Ohh well.

Anyways. Here's a quick cell pic of my Beretta 92 Elite II. I have several other guns too. No pics of them to show off yet. You might be able to tell. I use this gun at the range quite a bit.

I carry a Taurus 1911 ALR and love it. I'm 6' and 190lbs.

I did make an error on the previous post, they do not make warthogs in 9mm or .40, I got them confused with the carry model.

We have a gun show coming two weeks from now, I'll see what they are being priced at and report back.
Which one is yours :D. BuellChick and I were looking in Chandler at some houses, also in Maricopa since the houses are so numerous and all foreclosures, so cheap too.


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