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LMT is awesome but seems overkill for a SHTF gun. If i was using it as a work gun and trusting it to my life daily then I would definitely agree. Have you put up pictures of it in this thread yet? edit: nevermind i found it, its only a LMT upper though ;)

I still may get one of those though or a Noveske, like I said they are awesome. I was looking at a CQB MRP 5.56 at the gun shop for $1800 before tax. I can always get one later on but the bushmaster was the right price, I should be able to get the money back on my bushmaster if i ever decide to sell it.
LMT is awesome but seems overkill for a SHTF gun. If i was using it as a work gun and trusting it to my life daily then I would definitely agree.  Have you put up pictures of it in this thread yet? edit: nevermind i found it, its only a LMT upper though

I still may get one of those though or a Noveske, like I said they are awesome.  I was looking at a CQB MRP 5.56 at the gun shop for $1800 before tax.  I can always get one later on but the bushmaster was the right price, I should be able to get the money back on my bushmaster if i ever decide to sell it.
i got an LMT upper mainly because (1) they are proven in the military and (2) the way they machine and prep their barrels. Plus, I got a steal on the upper at just over $500 for assembled upper and BCG.
The rifle you pick is all about what you plan to do with it. I plan to run the crap out of mine and plan on attending carbine classes in the near future. LMT fit my needs perfectly.
I don't know much about bushmaster, but the fact that every local gun and pawn shop has entire racks of them was enough to deter me. Kinda like how right now all used car lots have loads of older, POS dodge's (like from 03-09 where they received some of the worst reliability ratings ever). That's just my $0.02
PSA is probably one of the best budget ARs out there, but they are still the new kids on the block and are going through some learning curves, that they will eventually figure out. I would buy a PSA kit over a delton, model 1, DPMS, or any other rifle under $600. Also, their customer service is fantastic. But I wouldn't trust my life to it or run it hard.
My buddy has a PSA and while it is good quality, he has had some really odd failures. Not sure what the causes were, but he has to keep it pretty clean for it to run well. However, I ran several hundred rounds through my LMT "out-of-the-box" with no cleaning or anything and have never had a failure of anykind, mostly running the cheapest, dirtiest ammo i can find. YMMV

Just get whatever suits your wants and needs based on what you want to do and don't skimp and you will probably be happy.
However, I ran several hundred rounds through my LMT "out-of-the-box" with no cleaning or anything and have never had a failure of anykind, mostly running the cheapest, dirtiest ammo i can find.

I'm sorry, and people are probably gonna hate, but you can't act like a gun authority and say you never cleaned your gun in the same paragraph. Your "proven military" statement makes me wonder, does the military not clean their guns?

Cleaning your gun is not about immediate reliability, it prevents corrosion and lengthens the life of the weapon(and it improves accuracy). But if you don't care about both, sure, no need to clean it.

I'm going to make an analogy that everyone on here will understand. So I just bought a new buell, got a pipe and K&N and slapped them on. But I'm not going to remap it at all. Sure it runs ok as it is. Yeah it's not going to cause it to break down immediately. I'll probably sell the bike at some point, but what do I care if the next guy gets a bike that's been rapped? He'll never know until it starts costing him an arm and a leg to replace the motor after it seizes.

Just clean it, if not for yourself, do it for the next owner. Just my $0.02
Allow me to clarify.....I clean my guns. My LMT is clean now and will always be cleaned for the very reasons you mentioned. I just wanted to do a little "mini experiment" just for the hell of it. If our military brothers and sisters in Afganistan, etc. get in a fire fight, its not like they are going to stop after 200-300 rounds, break the gun down, and do a clean and white glove test.
Call me stupid, but I ran it hard initially, inspected all the parts, cleaned it, inspected, lubed, and slapped it back together just for my own amusement. I plan to run it hard again in the future. (and seeing as how our world and own government are becoming more unstable and less "gun-friendly", I may have to depend on my rifle someday)
Would military people do this? No
Should they? No
Is it reassuring that it worked without a hitch? To me it is

Honestly, I've heard alot of couch commando's say that ARs had to be spotless to run.....and maybe some do. But if had a rifle (or any gun for that matter) that had to be spotless to operate correctly, I'd get rid of it.

I understand what you are saying and you are right, but it was for my own satisfaction, not to just be lazy, ignorant, or reckless.
Just to be clear, I am by no means a gun authority and don't want to come off as one. I just know what I know from personal experiences and alot of reading from reputable and non-reputable sources. I try to not speak on hearsay, just direct personal experiences.
I understand. I would probably do the same if I had an AR. I've always wondered what the "breaking point" is on them. That's one of the main advantages of the AR. They can be dropped in mud or sand and still run. I've heard that about the Ruger Minis too, but with the cheap wolf ammo that I run through mine, I get jams with a clean gun. It's disappointing.

As you can see, people not cleaning their guns is a touchy subject for me. I think most people act like they don't clean their guns out of choice, when in fact they just don't know how and don't want to ask.
I've always wondered what the "breaking point" is on them.

As you can see, people not cleaning their guns is a touchy subject for me. I think most people act like they don't clean their guns out of choice, when in fact they just don't know how and don't want to ask.
I totally understand and agree. Same goes for cars....I see people driving their filthy-ass cars around year after year and the only time it gets "cleaned" is in April when they run it through an automatic wash. Then they say it has ****** paint because its starting to flake off.
Fun day at the range today. Shot my service weapon (S&W 4006 TSW and brought out the AR.




Lucky you. I wish I could get out the range. Got 1500rounds in my closest collecting dust right now. School+work=no range time unless its qual day which isn't really range time. Spring project is a m4 build though. SO excited to get all the parts together. Will post pics when it is done.
Got to shoot yesterday also and on the states dime even. Not as fun though cuz you have to do drills and shoot the way they tell you.
Yeah but you can opt out of their shooting practice and take home the ammo. That's what my other chippy friend does.

Edit: opt out after a few rounds, not just pick up ammo and leave. You have to do a little practice.
We only get to practice the week before we qual and they don't give us much ammo. Which totally sucks. So practicing is on your own most of the time. Why I buy ammo in crazy bulk.
I understand. I would probably do the same if I had an AR. I've always wondered what the "breaking point" is on them. That's one of the main advantages of the AR. They can be dropped in mud or sand and still run. I've heard that about the Ruger Minis too, but with the cheap wolf ammo that I run through mine, I get jams with a clean gun. It's disappointing.

As you can see, people not cleaning their guns is a touchy subject for me. I think most people act like they don't clean their guns out of choice, when in fact they just don't know how and don't want to ask.

I've done similar tests and went through more than 1k rounds in a weekend with no malfunctions. My buddy's M16A1 looses quite a bit of accuracy when the barrel is hot. 200 rounds in less than a minute tends to heat up the barrel pretty quickly.

I've also carried an M16/M4 on multiple deployments in just about every ******** on the planet for the past 20+ years... I've never been let down by my USGI AR platform.
I second that. Even after a nasty fall and sliding on my weapon through rocks and mud my m4 worked flawless. Although it looked like crap it worked. The acog was junked though and my nvg's broke.
After I built my SBR, I fired 300 rnds through it, broke it down, checked everything over, cleaned it, and put it back in the safe. I took it out before I left for down here, and fired 1500rnds through it, with 1 fail to feed. Not bad IMO. I will see if I can get a pic posted up. Its a nice little shooter, and accurate for how short it is.

Here is one of the area's I shoot. This was stepped off at alittle over 100yds. I fired off 3 quick rounds. The rifle now has a stubby for grip, MWI rear flipup, and a magpul front flipup.




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