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Its a millett trs-1 scope mounted with burris xtr rings and a talley base. I wanted to buy stuff from seekins but couldnt justify the cost.
with some factors in mind what pistol do you recommend for home defense?

I would like stopping power and minimal drywall penetration.
big and intimidating looking

a pump action shotgun is already on the list but I would like a pistol to accompany it because I was always more comfortable with a pistol over a shotgun.

granted the last time I used one was in the military and it was an M9, I scored better with it than I did my riffle (expert on M9, there are only 3 levels for the Air Force not qualify, qualify, and expert)

I have heard that a 357 is good, then you can shoot 38 special rounds as well for cutting paper due to the lower cost. and from what I have been told a 357 is a great round for stopping power.

but I don't know anything about guns anymore so I need all the help I can get.
brands models ect
I have no issues using a revolver either
utube will tell you everything you need to know to decide. I say give the Austrian Kool-Aid a taste its delicious. [cool]
Nothing (used to) beat a .357 for one shot stops. Something may have a better record now but for years it was the .357. Revolvers also do not have a safety, very important for home defense use. Pick it up, point it, pull trigger, bang. Nice not having to worry about a safety. The safety is a ten+ pound trigger pull and keeping your dam finger out of the trigger gaurd until your absolutely sure you want to poke holes in something. I have many pistols and revolvers around my house for self defense and not one has a safety.

Since i moved to town i got rid of most of my guns but I have a stainless ruger bull barell .22 auto pistol. and a couple "BB" guns. A Benjamin PCP and the Buell of guns 50 caliber Dragon Slayer PCP. Its not the fastest not the most powerfull but its unique and can kill really tough animals. They are made and used in Korea for wild boar hunting. It runs on 2500psi and has a bark and bite(for a BB gun). My dog it terrified of it. Probably because i fire it from the kitchen table when i dispach bunnies from the garden.
I just went to the range with my new xdm45 the other day. I sold my brother my xdm40 and he got me a good deal on the 45 at the gun store since he is a LEO. Love it!! I just put some tritium tru-glo tfo sights on today too.
I say give the Austrian Kool-Aid a taste its delicious.

you mean Glock right?

sorry like I said I am WAY out of it for guns

a friend really likes his Taurus revolver any opinions on them? opinions on the Taurus semi autos?

thanks Jim
I have a family so a safety can be important but is not the biggest deal because safety does not start on the side of your weapon. ;)

knowledge training respect understanding ect. these are your first safety (my dad had me shooting from a young age for the very same reason. He was an army man, and like the military always said the same thing about the trigger guard too, that and only point at something you want to kill weapon ready or not)
my next safety will be a biometric lock box bolted to the wall or my dresser.

from the sounds of it the 357 is the way to go, so now that I know the caliber where do you suggest I go?
I do know that the grip safety's are very cumbersome and kill my accuracy so I don't want that.
tactical rails for lights/lasers would be nice but I am not in the habit of giving away my position to my enemy (I'll give it away to small game though) so its not really necessary but it would be nice to have that option.

I can still tear down clean and reassemble a semi auto in no time so simplicity isn't an issue for me at all.

I do plan on putting a lot of rounds through it, and I dont see nearly as many semi autos as revolvers in .357 is that due to longevity or just popularity?
.357 Magnum or 357 SIG?

.357 magnum is a huge round, you would be hard pressed to find a semi-auto pistol in that other than something massive like a desert eagle.

.357 SIG...you can find semi's in that but it is an uncommon and exspenive round.

there is nothing wrong w/ 9mm, .40 or .45
.357 Magnum or 357 SIG?
ok you guys got me again, had no idea there was more than one .357
or that a .357 mag was such a big round

there is nothing wrong w/ 9mm, .40 or .45

the only one I am familiar with is the 9mm and I know that I want more stopping power than that.

to be honest I am a little intimidated by a .45 How is it compared to a .357 mag as far as rise and recoil?
how are the .40 and .45 for energy transfer/stopping power?
cost of paper cutting ammunition?
The external safety issue on a pistol you'll have to figure out on your own. I think if you had a shotty AND a pistol. You'de reach for the shotgun first anyway. I mean why not their way more fun to discharge in the home. Plus you can get a bad ass 12 gauge for $199 and shoot birdshot, buckshot and slugs.
If a .357 and I'm talking .357 magnum revolver not the ultra hard to find .357 Sig. You should stay away from snubbies, anything under a 4" barrel as the recoil and muzzle flash can be downright scary. An "N" frame Smith & Wesson is a fine gun. The frame is a bit large (same as the model 29 .44 mag) but they are indestructible and easy on the hand. The smaller "J" and "L" frames recoil a lot more. I have a 2 1'2" Model 66 S&W and shooting it after dusk makes for impressive 3 foot fireballs out the barrel.

Sigh, the "toes in the pic" is a running gag that I really could do without, that picture being one reason.

I've got my AR about where I want it, now I want another! I have a rail and a red dot coming for my AK, and it is snowing, so I'll be posting a "guns in the snow" pic in a few days.

The AR with early Christmas presents attached:

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