lets talk jobs!!

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/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\[up]thanks!!!wildman. glad u get to hang out with ur kids too!!!

I am a Automotive Collision Refinish Technician... yeah a car painter. ASE certified, I-CARtrained, GM Master Tech. cert., BASf warranty cert for all OEM, near six year exp., and ASAP degree from SCC milfor,ne for Auto Body Collision Repair Tech.
Checking into it for you. I'm in distribution so I have access to several hundred thousand products, many of which I've never seen or heard of so I'll have to make some calls. I'll help if I can Sled!

thanks man i was quoted around 200 from dexcom but was hoping i could save a few $$.

back to jobs, just picked up a few clients in my gym and around town... looks like i will have lots of buell speding money [up]
thanks man i was quoted around 200 from dexcom but was hoping i could save a few $

sled, we're still checking on it. we don't currently sell it, but doesn't mean we can't get it and we add products/vendors daily so we're reaching out to them and their competitors to see what we can do! i'll be in touch. i'll pm you next time so this doesn't play out for everyone who doesn't care to read it![up]

U.S Navy Damage Control Chief Petty Officer. I train the crew of Navy ships how to fight fires and rapair damage and recover from CBR attacks.
Main job is a Welding Engineer for a rail road servicing company. Its pretty cool I get to play with big ass trains all day long. Summer weekend job is white water raft guide. Now my night job is bartending at a local pub.

Thanks to all that served!!![up] Sorry I couldnt they wouldnt let me [mad]. Stupid asthma I wanted to fly those F-22's.
I play with trains since 22 years. Now I am the technical responsible expert on rolling stock (trains) for the 3 train systems in Bangkok. I do as well technical support on trains we delivered to SEAsia... Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia.
once upon a time ago i was into land surveying as far as working for a living. that was in 2007 or 2008 when work died for me. since then i been living off of savings and going to tech colleges for different things, right now its motorcycle mechanics.
I'm a mechanical engineer for a personal protection company. In my current role, I design & engineer products used in the fire industry. I've done ballistic protection products for police and military as well as some fall protection devices for the construction market prior to the fire products.

As many of you know, I am the president of 5-0dro, Inc. (www.5-0dro.com)

I also own a 4 unit apartment that I rent out.
Currently- GE Aviation Muskegon

Aerospace Specialist/Setup- Consists of programming CNC machines and setup of machining fixtures. I also trouble shoot mechanical issues and fine tune EDM machines. All of what I deal with is in the .001 spec range. some down to .0005, so precision is the game when I a fine tuning dimensions the thickness of aluminum foil.


I am in college finishing/working to get my teaching degree. I will be teaching High School Science, once I am done. It is a step down in pay from my current job but it is what I want to do so well worth it, plus I get all summer to play[up]

Make parts for some of the these, fit in everything from Fighter Jets, Civilian Airliners, to Helicopters.

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