So its been a little while, havent really done anyting with Lizzy other than ride her. I've been doing allot to my Explorer the last couple days. Swapped my mono-leaf rear suspension with a 4door Ex's multi-leaf suspension, gave me about .5" lift in the rear to level the ass sag out and a much stiffer ride. Then yesterday I lifted my truck up at work to take my spare off and put my tire back on and a friend noticed the front tire "drop" and we checked it out and my upper and lower ball joints were past shot and pretty much ****** where there was almost noting holding them in lol, so i was able to do the passenger side and will finish the driver side later today. Took about 2 1/2 hours, not bad for never doing that before, and with help from friends and my dad, and next week shes gonna get a MUCH needed alignment.