Never gets old. Random comments on my bike

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As far as the coolness factor, I've had nothing but complements. Granted, most of my associates are middle school students, but hey, I'll take it!

'You've got a headlight out'

That one does get old. :(

^ Yep. Sometimes I just go ahead and turn on the high beam when I'm pulling into an area where I know people might be watching and would comment.
How about the famous haters, I know I'm not the only one that's been told before "it's just a sportster". With all the innovation in this bike it irks the **** out of me. I literally get butt hurt and feel like I have to defend the bike. Then I remember I'm trying to please myself not them and say yeah it is a sportster wanna go to the gap and get your Ass handed to you by a " Harley "?:D
never argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
My Harley riding friends thought my Firebolt was was just a sport bike of sorts thrown together with extra parts and a Sportster engine shoved into it. Needless to say, they are now educated about the XB's. I always get comments on the fan too. I told one of my riding buddies that I had to add hair dryer fan and motor to keep it cooler. I think he believed me - LOL!
I remember my first year at the Gap. I was filling my XB up and a few "stereotypical Harley guys" (ya know...chaps, beard, bandanna, leather vest, patches, etc.) said to me "What is that thing?!?!?!? One'a dem Sportsters?" I replied, "not really" and went on my way... I would have been there all day explaining! LOL ;)
"How many cc is it?"


"No way that thing must be fast!"



Oddly enough my fan hasn't kicked one ONCE since I put the bigger right side scoop on it ... started worrying about this not too long ago thinking my fan was broken ... but apparently it works every time I run it in the diagnostics page of ECMspy ... *shrug* ... [confused]
Yeah I've heard all the above. One of the perks of having something different.

I get the "is that a ducati?" it doesn't help that I do have a duc front fairing on it though lol

This was an odd one: "Man, your bike looks like the Batman Bike!" Reply: "Uhhhh, have you SEEN the Batman bike!?" That's a bit of a stretch [confused]
Ive had someone tell me it looks like something batman would ride. Im not saying I am batman im just saying nobody has ever seen batman and I in the same room together. :D
Ive had someone tell me it looks like something batman would ride

Bingo, I would agree with them on that point. Especially given that mine is all flat black and stealthy [cool]
Guy in West Virginia comes up to me and asks if that is one o dem Italian bikes ?no I said !its a buell ,a what !
"Nice Ducati!"
"It's a Buell."
"A what?"
"BUELL, B U E L L ... Byoo-wool."
"What's that?"

*facepalm* as I walk off.
"It's a Buell."
"A what?"
I had the same conversation with the US border patrol as I tried to enter from Canada. I was asked if it was a Canadian-made bike to which I replied "Yes'sir, you can see that the unusually low redline is because the tachometer is in metric!".
Rode my bike to work the other day. A guy at work rides and older kawasaki voyager, big cruiser. We are just talking about bikes. He asks what kind is mine, I say buell. He says, is that one of those racing bikes. I said no and explained, basically its a sport bike with a harley based motor with some other stuff done to it. He said oh, someone finally took a harley motor and made it run right. I laughed and said yep something like that :).
Apparently my bike is now known in this town as "that ****** weird ninja Harley thing that crazy little **** in camo flies past my house on twice a day" ... That got quite a few laughs from me ...
I heard most of these but the reception is generally quite positive.

When we hit any of the local cafes during a ride, there's always a group assembled around the bike, awe on their faces, having seen a unicorn... errr... Pegasus.