So here recently the weather has been nice, so I've been on the bike a bunch. It's felt warmer in the crutch area even with the rss, but the fan comes on when I get off for a few minutes and kicks off like it's supposed too. Well yesterday I ride I to work and when I put some gas in it literally looked like my fuel was boiling there were bubbles coming up like crazy? Please tell me that's not bad....It was only 80 outside? One other thing took an extended ride one day before that and thought I was broke down in a boarder town went to start up and the bike kept dieing even under full throttle sounded like it was running on one cylinder and the fuel pump would only prime at the end for a second. I was thinking bad fuel so I put some fuel cleaner in when we got it running and great riding for the next six hours..Bike only has 34, 000 k on it. Any ideas on the fuel boiling, and does it sound like bad gas or may I need a fuel pump soon?