RTFM, Buellmods.com
ECMDroid and a Bluetooth dongle (I like my Buelltooth(TM)) for ECM data. Its a great diagnostic tool, will do fuel map changes and it's free! TunerPro or ECMSpy for building maps from scratch if you add a turbo or cubic inches, or digging way deeper in the ECM. But seriously, if it runs well, don't **** with it. Don't.
If you're an auto tech thats worth a ****, you'll be just fine:eagerness: 50 year old engine architecture and a rudimentary FI system. Get a hammer and some twine and you can fix 90% if it. No chain, no cooling system, no valve adjustments, parts are still cheap and easy to find with some rare exceptions, sensors weren't made by Buell so you can find replacements out of brand (mostly Ford). Don't look for trouble.
Remember it is a 16 year old machine. The in-tank pump and lines are probably pretty corroded by now, avoid cheap e-bay junk, Barrett on here is a great source for OE parts like that. Don't overthink it. Replace fluids with factory recommended ones (no grandpa fixes), wheel bearings fail rarely but without warning, new ones are cheap, clean electrical connections, especially the grounds, make sure its a nice quality (220CCA) battery, and maybe a new belt if it's UV degraded. Run it hard, fix things that break, don't look for trouble.
Have fun, post pics:angel: