new Uly owner from Cape Town, South Africa

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Howzit wally, zollie and lionbuell

Another fellow South African and Buelligan. If you have not already guessed it I am originally from Margate in KZN, now living in Bournemouth, UK.

I have exactly the same Uly as wally (same colour, same year, same edition ... alles) and also got mine around the same time (feb 11). It has now done around 7000 miles.

Love the bike to bits but have had a few niggles ... neutral light problems, ignition switch issues (impacted the indicators), a lot of backfiring and popping, squeeling drive belt and last but not least the usual engine noises that you may get from a diesel tractor.

Other than those the bike is great
Woah there's a lot of you guys from District 9 here.

Welcome Wally. I'd really like it if some of you Afrikaans would make some youtube videos of your daily commute or just your weekend rides around your home territories. I love SA and would love to see more through the eyes of a fellow Bueller.

I like you guys. You're like Dutch folk with better suntans.


and better accents Levi! :)

try and get a camera from fellow skater buddies and do a filming run. daily commutes are boring as hell - just heaps of traffic! and heaps of minibus taxis!
Deal Levi, i will take some video when i am out again. Getting to winter now and up on the highveld it looks quite bleek and dead. We love visitors so come and visit:D
Thanks a lot Lion.

Watching commuting videos is like virtual tourism for me, so I appreciate when I get a chance to eyeball someone elses neightborhood.

I will have to visit SA one of these days. It's on a long list of travel destinations.
I will say this for you South Africans, you stick together and keep this forum a lot more active than any other group. I've posted questions elsewhere weeks ago without responses. I guess interest in things Buell has waned since the plug was pulled by HD Moco.

I haven't been to your home turf but my daughter has and enjoyed it. Also a lot of expats I run into surfing the local beach spots in San Diego, California and talking to each other in Afrikaans (Sp?). Now that I think of it, there are an awful lot of you guys around. What is this, some kind of fifth column invasion from the Voortrekkers?

spelt correctly Steve! think most people "fled" South Africa a while back - watch out! the AWB (our right wing) might to an air attack - will be with hang gliders though...:D:D:D

on serious note - i have only seen 2 Buells in my area. 1 from guy who services my bikes and another standing outside a pub 1 day.

think there are so little Buell riders in South Africa and there are so little for sale.

but, we will hopefully get (at least) the Cape Town guys together for a meet soon!
Naude Hopper. I do small work on the bike myself, But there is a ex harley D@!#$... guy i use. His name is David Eagar great guy also a stunt rider and uses a Buell. On youtube search for crazy Dave Eagar.
In Johannesburg there are quite a few Buells I can count 4 riders that i regularily see, and on the Breakfast runs there are usually between 10 and 20. To read the posts of my fellow Afrikaners makes me verrrrry proud. AFRIKANERS IS PLESIERIG. That means South Africans are cheerful. Ek dink?? I also lived in Margate for a year and have a small holiday place there now. Out of season lovely warm water for surfing, Protea banks for shark diving and for the last two years "South African Bike week" I love it!
I think i should depart the shaky isles of Christchurch and return to South Africa on my Buell!...but not before touring the middle of Australia and also completing a L.A 2 B.A (Los Angeles to Buenos Aires) tour.

Lekka bly okes!
That does sound lekker. I want to do France and Italy also the good old USA in the next 3 years rent a bike and enjoy it first hand.

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