new Uly owner from Cape Town, South Africa

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OK hiers nog n bueller uit die Strand. Ja wally eks die ou wat jou daai lig protector gaan "sponsor". Het daai Buell get 2gether toe ooit gebeur? Dink dis tyd dat die kaapse Buelers mekaar bietjie ontmoet. Het jy al n Belt gekry want ek soek ook n spare. Dink as die weer bietjie beter raak kan ons dalk n datum probeer kry vir n Saterdag oggend.

Ek het n Custom exhaust op n 07 Uly en sopas deur die throttle shaft breaking gegaan agv kabels wat sleg uitgetorring was.moes natuurlik in Ceres gebeur oppad in die tankwa in...Glo n 2006/7 issue. Dit spaar my 30g wat beteken my fiets is nou 30km/h vinniger . veral na hy gewas is.
Ek is besig om bietjie te kyk na aftermarket screen brackets. Daar is BAIE nice mounts op die net vir buells en kos omtrent R750 sonder shipping. Dit kan maklik verdubbel met shipping maar hierdie bracket is the dogs bollocks. Wonder as mens so 5 kan inbring... ai hoe sit ek nou n image hier.....
Dit was lekker om jou so via SMS te onmoet! Daai exhaust (en jou bike) lyk mean! Dis hiekom ek X fender soek!

Runs nog nie gebeur nie, maar trip sal goed wees! Soek nog belde, sal kry! Het plek in Joburg gevind vir exhaust straps. So R40 elk ipv amper R300 by HD!
My screenbrackets vorder goed. Laat hulle lasercut en powdercoat swart. dan die beste fittings en skroewe wat ek in die hande kan kry. Ek gaan nou 3 stelle bou so 2 sal op "auction" gaan :). Sal hier post sodra ek fotos het. BTW, my Uly gebruik n toyota tazz oliefilter. straight fit. same thing. Het sopas bos gegaan op hom met bietjie custom werk en dink dit was die sous werd. Het my eie exhaust gebou van scratch en na ure op youtube kan ek julle verseker NIKS kom by my klank. Die pyp kom net agter my voorwiel uit na links. So op sy stand skop hy a stofwolk op as jy so bietjie oor draai. Volgende op lys is n bash plate en beter hooflig beskerming.

PS: vir die met 06/07 modelle, die comfort kit (Ebay) is AWESUM. Ek het opgesit en het geen meer hitte issues. al wat ek nou kry is dat my raam oor tyd maar bietjie warm word maar dis boggerol ivm wat hy was.
Hi there Buellers greetings from the East Rand for the first time. Bought my 2008 XB12s in January 13, check out my pic, use it as a daily commuter to work almost every day. Taken it back to almost original with the help of the best H-D & Buell technician you can find, works out of Benoni, get anything fix anything.
Modified exhaust, high flow air filter, mapped and dyno tuned that's where I stop.
Sunrise Monster out of the Pta H-D Chapter last weekend, 730 km, this is Fat Bob world with my missus who rides shot gun.
Booked my 12s in for its 32 000km service on the 6th, should feel like new after its done.
Cannot find the elusive Buell belt buckle, H-D and EB probably never made any! If they did I’ve never seen one. So decided to get my own made, check these out. They came out very cool. Curved for a snug fit, polished brass and an aluminium one, it’s lighter, easier to wear.

Looking forward to having coms with you guys!
Thanks - good to be a member of this forum
Good idea, thought other Buellers may be interested in these buckles, to make some more will depend on the demand, this daft idea has cost me a packet so far. These are unique never seen any others on line or in our travels across the States.

I do, however I have a few extras which I will let go each for 5 blue nelsons, and due to the - as always - annual postal strike shipping will be a bit extra.

If there is a demand I will have more made, can't keep a good thing to oneself