new Uly owner from Cape Town, South Africa

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Hi Wally and other SA/Cape Town Buelers.
Just read your posts. I think you emailed me shortly after I got my Ulysses. I live in the deep south but when I registered I must have been a bit tired and misspelled SOUTH. Now it's SOUTH with a slure......shouth. Anyway just to let you know I live in Glencairn (near Simonstown) and own a black 2006. I have seen another Uly heading toward Kommetjie, a blue 2008 (I think) but every time I see it I am in a 4x4 and can't give chase. If I was on my bike and gave chase the other rider would probably say "DICE" and leave me standing anyway.
When I have a bit more time I will post pics and tales.
hey Deep - got some extended family out in Fishhoek/Simonstown area. I have seen very little Ulys on the road, but have met 2 guys at shops engaging in chats - both Uly owners!

Seen 1 or 2 XBs on the road and that's about it! CT guys should get together!
Hello , glad to see there are more of us out there ! I will soon be residing in Sunvalley but currently I am in Obz. We should all go for ride some time. On 2012/02/26 I will be meeting some mates at the bottom of Ou Kaapseweg for a run and breakfast at Redhill , you are welcome to join us . Regards
Hi Guys, I'm from Pretoria and travel to Boksburg to work, got a 2008 XB12s Lightning - she's wicked...
Anyone know where I can find parts for the bike, looking for a Air temp. sensor.
I see they cost about 25 to 30 US, but the guys here at Harley want R1200[mad]
I don't mind importing, just need to know from who.
importing is probably your best bet.

our Fords differ from American and Australian Fords. I doubt our Ford agents will stock parts for 97 F-150s, but you never know...
otherwise try one of the American V8 parts import specialists in your area - maybe they can help you import one?

and welcome! :D
Good day , phone Jacques at Evolution Motorcycles on 0720234455 , they are in Gauteng , he has helped me on a previous ocation !
Last post on this thread looks like it was quite long ago, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it… any active members from Gauteng – Johannesburg North areas (fourways, paulshof, north gate)?
HELP wannabe Bueller Cape Town South Africa "The Bikers Country"
I found a Buell today i want to buy but need to know firsy how . where and by whom you can get the Buell serviced ( believe you need a special diagnostic tool/ gadget ) also partts for the forseeable future , " do not trust Harley Davidson Agents here"

RE heat on right thigh: I keep my headers wrapped. But more importantly, I strategically place a piece of inner tube blocking the heat exiting the seam where seat meets the fix works fine for me. That heat comes off the junction of back header and head, then flows under the seat and right out that seam onto right thigh.
Joe, do it! Best guy in Cape Town area (nrthn suburbs) is Peter Möller. He has owned a few Buells and is very anal about his work!

His nr: (083) 3023771
Thanks , i have contacted him. problem HD Cape Town Town under new ownership have no records of the services done there ? Peter as you say very anal actually made me more worried about buying a Buell "horror stories" etc ??
Bike had a oil change Feb. last year by the owner.
Bike looks in very good condition 10 000 km XB12STT 2007. Any advice from anyone would be great .
Needs new tyres any suggestions , Thanks guys.
Nothing to worry about - I do most of my own services. Do a quick oil and filter change if it will give you piece of mind. Dave's DIY videos are really easy to follow. HD Tygervalley are still bringing in service parts till 2019. It is really easy to maintain the bike yourself. :)

An oil filter is only about R80 from HD - cheaper than an aftermarket one. I ride mine in all kinds of weather and terrain, did exhaust mod, self-service it and no issues. :)

Just ride it. You will never know when buying a 2nd hand vehicle - always a gamble, but don't let it put you off. Is it the one advertised on Gumtree?

Phone Craigs in Parow - I find their parts and tyres are usually quite a bit cheaper than the rest. My Uly's tyres were about R300 cheaper than at Tracmac for example.

Good luck! ;)
Good day , I have sold my Buell and still have a seat , brake and clutch lever , indecators that some one could have if they collect it from my house . Regards
Ek het my Buell nou sowat 'n jaar en 8000 km . hoofsaaklik grond. Kan nie regtig kla oor iets nie behalwe die bande Perilli scorpion vind ek 'n bietjie sag . soek ook 'n bietjie meer aggressiewer. Is daar iewers in die Kaap waar ek 'n touring screen kan kry behalwe hd in Belville . Ek bly in die Karoo ,mar kom darem so dan en wan in die Kaap. Groete
SHERIFF, welkom!

Buell parte is super skaars in SA, nie eens te praat van aftermarket parte nie!

Ek dink jou beste bet is ebay of op die forum. Ek ry Scorpion syncs en is dood happy.
Dualsport bande is ook 'n probleem agv wiel groottes (18"), terwyl BMW en KTM grootter wiele het.

Ek het my Uly nou 3 jaar en nie veel issues (paar agv van my onwetenheid), maar doen my eie services, ens.
Baie maklik.

Myne is 08 XT - gekoop met 9 000km nou amper 32 000km en love dit!
Ten spyte van al die issues. :D

Laat weet as jy weer Kaap toe kom! Ek bly in Bellville.

Waar in Karoo is jy?
Jis Wally

Ek bly in Prince Albert ,maar kom darem redelik gereld in die Belville omgewing. Was die naweek daar.

Ek kom agter daar is nie vreeslik parte beskikbaar in S A nie. Nie dat ek al nodig gehad het nie behalwe bande en plugs nie.

Moet sê ek geniet die fiets nogal . Sal maar sien hoe lank hy hou.

Ek glo daaraan kyk na die fiets en hy kyk na jou.

HD Tygervallei stock alle service parte. Ander parte kan hulle invoer of is van internet af beskikbaar.

Olifilter is maar R80/90.
Die bikes is redelik bulletproof.

Maintenance is belangrik. Ek geniet myne gate uit - net te min kans vir off-road ryery. :(
jis Wally

Lank nie gepraat nie. Die nuwe jaar loop ook teen 'n tempo.

Was so 'n bietjie Graaf Reinett toe met die Beull . Lekker gery al was dit maar net teer.
Interesante brandstof verbruik gehad op die ou. Op die eerste twee tenke tot daar so amper 17 km/l . het maar stadig gery . een ou kon nie vinniger ry nie.Steke in die kop en die helmet druk bo 110. Met terug kom bietjie vinniger en toe kry ek sommer 20.5km/l . Ek is natuurlik akweer op soek na 'n agterband . Die scopion trail wat ek op het gaan nie by 6000 km kom nie. Hardloop op my blackbird met 'n symko agter al meer as 6000km en hy is halfslyt. Oorweeg dit om 'n teer tyre op te sit. Weet net nie wat hy op die grond gaan maak nie.

Indien jy dalk hoor of sien van iemand wat 'n touring screen wil verkwansel , of net 'n bietjie groter as die ou lappie wat hy mee uitkom , laat my weet asb

Lekker ry