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hello im' new arround here

this is my new[old] buell xb9 07
after 2.5 year on Japanese sports bike [suzuki sv650S,gsxr1000 k8] i can say thet the buell xb is
amaizing bike !!!

I want to welcome you here also. I am new here as well - I joined only a few weeks ago when I got my first Buell, a '05 Firebolt XB12R, 15K miles. I have been riding for nearly 40 years now (WOW...has it been that long?), and I have to say to you and everyone that this is such a truly enjoyable motorcycle. I have also really enjoyed being here on BuellXB.com - everyone has warmly welcomed me - so I wanted to likewise extend the same toward you. I have found so much helpful information here, and always a helping hand and good, sound advice. I also try to pitch in and participate to give some back. Really great to have you here. Keep riding safe.
I normally have a license plate mounted under there...and passenger pegs. Ditched them for the photo shoot.

I'll pass the complements on to my photographer.

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