Noisy Girl

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34:19 I was running conventional 50 weight and changing it a lot because of the hard use. IMO synthetic is worth it for longevity and that's about it. All oils today are ridiculously good. I had a rattly valve train on mine, not sure what would cause a gear whine?

pdksh: Put in whatever oil weight is good for the temp you ride in, but you shouldn't have enough clutch material in the primary oil to contaminate it between changes!? I change mine with every oil change. I wonder whats wrong with your clutch?
I always assumed it was the extra flab my bikes had to get moving off the line. Nothing wrong with my clutch. (I hope)

A whinny sound may be valves that have worn them selves tight and now your cams are eating into your rocket arms/follower fingers.

34:19 I’m assuming you’re on top of your valve lash adjustment. IM NO EXPERT on the subject, my first valve job required a new top end on my forward cylinder.

I understand all Buell/Rotax motors have a loud top end because of the rocker arms/finger followers. Apparently the EBR1190 motor uses tighter valve lash specifications and are quieter motors. Since EBRs were never sold in Canada, I’m totally talking out of my bottom. Eh!
I wouldn’t say mine is an abnormal whine, just the typical sound like what a UJM makes.

Now, the noise it makes that bothers me is a loud metallic clank on shutoff. Me thinks it’s the sprag clutch and hopefully it’s just noisy due to a lack of lubrication due to a lack of riding.
A worn sprag clutch will make that loud clank sound at shut-off when the engine hits compression and rebounds backwards slightly. Not hard to change though:) Put it on the list 34:19....:upset:

The valves open and close at a much slower rate than a 'whine sound' and tight valves don't make noise (no clearance). I'd assume cam gears, chain, or tensioner. But really just run it and have fun:up:
Worthless Thread... That's a little harsh. There was an ECM issue that was solved by repairing a loose ground. That should give this thread some redeeming qualities.
The secret to life is learning new things. Maybe you should get your hands on a well flogged 1125 and become an 1125 guru! I've learned much of the way of the liquid cooled motor Danial-sun.

After watching this video, I now know how my girlfriend and ex-wife feel. Thank you for the educational video.
Worthless Thread... That's a little harsh. There was an ECM issue that was solved by repairing a loose ground. That should give this thread some redeeming qualities.
The secret to life is learning new things. Maybe you should get your hands on a well flogged 1125 and become an 1125 guru! I've learned much of the way of the liquid cooled motor Danial-sun.

After watching this video, I now know how my girlfriend and ex-wife feel. Thank you for the educational video.

I think this has been a great thread (aside from me thread jacking it - sorry). A bad experience, a positive outcome, lessons learned, great advice, and a little humor. I think its awesome that you nailed that loose ground also.

You are my new hero! :up:
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