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Hey 2004xb12s. How bout some pics of your 450??? :D
I also found a fella locally that will lace and true, the soon to come hoops, for $60 each. [up] He sells warp 9 and Excel rims with Buchanon spokes. I'll see how the pricing is. Durn wheels are going to cost more than the bike. It'll be worth it though. Maybe some color matching hubs.......................:D
Ya know, I can see a serious problem developing here. The tard is going to get finished, and then I'll be looking for one that is newer. The new Husabergs look wicked; as do the KTMs. Maybe find a used 690 smc................and why is it so hard to explain to the ol' Lady that I can fit 3 bikes where 1 car goes? Cheers y'all! Tard safe!
KTM owns Husaberg these days, and last Husa models are based on previous KTM bikes, with few changes.
Here is it when I started


And after the transformation. Just a few pics when I was out riding the other day. I will be taking pictures and video this week


Not too bad at all I was in an old construction site and the mud was sticky clay. It was a mess
Just talked to a fella in Cali that is sending me a 98 DR650 swing arm, shock (rebuildable), linkage, belly pan, and a header for the project bike (can't buy SP600 headers anymore). Cost to me? $0!!!! He wouldn't even let me pay the shipping from CA to IL. He's intrigued about the outcome of the project, and wants to see it done. More forward tard progress coming up!!!! Good heavens; there ARE some really nice folks left on this planet!!!!! Rubber side down Y'all!
Yesterday I went and did my first ever desert race on my KTM 530. It was a Qualifier format race with 4 20 mike loops that you raced two test sections of the loop and had about a 4 mile transfer area between that was for resting. So basically it was like 8 small races that they will add up your times from and then see who did it fastest. I signed up for the 30+(age) Bclass. Not sure how well I did in my class yet but it was a AWESOME time! They should have results posted early next week. I'm SUPER sore today thou! Couple pics:


Well, I got the DR swinger mounted to the SP frame. The shock is too long, so it's time to redesign the suspension.

The progressive linkage is getting ditched. Going with a straight shock to swing arm connection. I've been calculating different angles to get the least amount of rising rate as the suspension compresses. It will take a good quality shock to handle it, but it will be the cat's azz when it's done.
I pretty much have all the parts except the hoops and spokes. Thats gonna be $600+. I have an sTT shock sittin sround that has just about the right amount of travel with full adjustability if mounted in the right spot. If funding goes as planned, 2 months. I would like it to be sooner, but the loot isn't there right now.
Nice photos, looks like real fun!
I was never into enduro bikes and offroad riding, but lately I'm starting to admire those kind of things :)
What SUX is that I have to sell my Buell. I will have to finish the tard to ride the rest of the season. I thought I could keep both, but opportunities arise, and sometimes ya just gotta take em. When the wheels come back around, I will be looking for a CR to be the next Buell...........till then........I be tardin'![cool]
Raced and Enduro today in Camp Wood AZ. Was just shy of 70 total miles but they broke up the course into 7 race sections with transfer sections between each test.

This was a Video I shot of the really short Test section. I think it was Test #6 of 7 total Tests.

I'm super beat up and sore! Blisters torn open on both hands and every muscle aching! What a good time!

I have 1 other video too but it was a longer test section and Video is like 25 mins so I have to break it down to two separate shorter videos to load to YouTube