on a VERY tight budget

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Im starting to think I would have more success by explaining the nature of law enforcement in my local area...if your pipes are loud enough to be heard from the inside of a car parked next to you while you are at engine idle (regarless of year make and model), you go to jail, they impound your ****, strip the parts, sell them on ebay, pocket the cash, kick the bike over and slide it about for a bit, and put on the report that you low sided while evading and resisting all because you try to have and enjoy nice things and they are scared of vehicles with less than four wheels...my thought is: we all know your gonna accuse me of it so why not be able to do it? especially when taking into consideration the fact that just last night I was pulled over due to lack of visibility and given an improper equipment violation due to my exhaust being insufficiently noisy...o and did I mention I happen to live in bass akwrads NW ALABAMA, of all the places in the world to find a buell...seriously, its almost as if I am being asked to cross all lines of reasonability from everyone under the sun, and all I want to do is be left to enjoy my buell...and not get run over or be told that it is my fault bc no1 can see or hear me...

Based on what you've said in this thread, your problem is:

Cops in your area are pricks and they are just looking for an exuse to pull you over and **** with you.

Your proposed solution to this problem is:

Make your bike faster so you can out run them, riding a bike that (according to you), no one else owns in your town.

Do you really think they won't know/find out where you live??? Or catch you eventually???

Let us know how this works out for you.
Make your bike faster so you can out run them, riding a bike that (according to you), no one else owns in your town.

Do you really think they won't know/find out where you live??? Or catch you eventually???

But the logic is flawless!

If you haven't figured it out, proposing a bad idea in the Buell community that makes us look bad and makes police want to pull us over if we ever wander into your area will make Buellers try to talk some sense into you.

There are simple solutions here, please don't seek out the bad ones.
"We're on a VERY tight budget Lloyd!!"

Which of course made me think that BuckyDWildass just needs to carry a bottle of pee with him. That will teach those stupid cops for sure!


Not to be too harsh, but notice a theme here? The vast majority of the Buell community has grown out of that phase. Please heed our advise.
The cops are ALWAYS right[sad], and you can't ride in prison.
track only bike, & a streeter in the stable...aint even thout about that! that actually sounds like a better idea than what everyone else had mentioned, but i dont know where to find a busted ass rusted out chinese single cylynder...only way they will treat bike riders like normal people around here...i bought the bike brcause it is different, its unique, its cool as can be! but unfortunately the cops around here ARE like that, & the sad part is i was being polite...got red hair? year round tan? taller than 6'1"? shorter that 5'4"? drink at a bar? have a v8 in your car? yea they are like that...liking the track bike idea, might just go that route w my shoping list!
stupid fast: no
enough to keep the cops from chasing me to find out what it is or give me a ticket for the sound of the exhaust: YES!!!
biggest problem with that is I gotta be able to out run the new chargers that are weighted down with all that police gear (a solid 150mph without going chernoble should do), and still accelerate quickly enough that having to take turns super slow (extreamly rough roads around here) wont matter...but again I must ask that everyone please keep in mind that this is just an effort to form a shopping list, one step at a time yall lol
do you live in hazard county? Boss and roscoe always after your farmland ?

Posted: 30 Jul 2013 01:44
lmfao,we're being haunted
My exact thoughts!
Well this was a good read glad i stopped in lol 5 thoughts while reading.
1 move
2 your past with the cops is catching up with you
3 buy a gsxr
4 your over exaggerating
5 are you high?
1 no enforcement of emision laws or vehicle inspections make it more appealing to stay
2 my past is flawless, cops here are just jerks for the fun of it
3 why so they cab further profile me as a drug mule/dealer?
4 i wish i was
5 cant get high...not with my job that is

i mean seriously yall, if i had the money and the time to do it i would just build a custom fram and slap a 1.3L twin turbo wankle with a shaft drive on it, fab up a LSR body kit & roll out to the salt flats...im just wanting the most from my firebolt that i can get in due time, and considering the slack my state allows on custom vehicles of all sorts, still have the headlights, blinkers, & tail/brake light installed and operational (in all reality yes that is all one needs for a bike to be street legal here)
Dude plenty of places don't have emissions my state doesn't also i don't need blinkers and its only a $20 ticket no points for no mirrors. Idk i think you got the won't bike for what you are wanting. Where was it you live again?
If you're looking to go that fast, you bought the wrong bike. The xb line are fantastic street bikes, but a supersport they are not.

Also, if you want anybody here to give you reasonable advice on how to increase your top speed, find a more tactful way to ask. 'I need to outrun the em-effin' pigs, yo!' will only get you made fun of. Try a simple 'I want to increase my top speed'. Any sport bike rider can relate with just wanting to have fun. We get that. But some jack off blasting up the interstate at 160mph with half the county on his tail makes doing a little over the limit a lot harder for the rest of us. And we don't appreciate that.
if i had the money and the time to do it i would just build a custom fram and slap a 1.3L twin turbo wankle with a shaft drive on it

Why??? It would be overly heavy for the output and the handling would suck balls. You're forgetting that engine requires 1.5 GALLONS of oil for proper lubrication and cooling in addition to the huge radiator and gallons of coolant required for water cooling as well. Fuel consumption? HA!

You really don't know what you're trying to build, do you?

Go get a Hondakawasuzuyama GSCBZ13ARRRR!!!!
All the nonsense aside...

The ASB airbox eliminator kit is overpriced. Cut out the part of the airbox that holds the filter down and find some inventive way to strap it down. May way of securing it cost about 8 dollars. You can do the breather reroute for about 15 dollars or 40 if if you wanna get a little bit fancy.

K&N filter $45

If you want to get the most out of the bike you'll still want to tweak the race map ecm, which means another 500 dollar cable and software from EBR, That is 805 dollars. That's hardly budget. Get a laptop cable and bluetooth module for $130 and tune yourself.

As far as I am aware the baker transmissions are direct drop in swaps, either 5 speed or 6 speed. They will cost you though, around $2600 for the 6.

Revperf 1170 kit for the xb9, $999.95
Crank case boring $265
Crank shaft lighten, inspect weld and true, about $450
Head machining including clearancing for high lift cams and oversized valves, plus upgraded springs and matching oversized titanium valves, and a set of off road use only cams, about $2000?
Raise the redline to 8,000 <free>

Probably about $150 on a larger oil cooler and fittings.
Bronze oil drive pump gear if it's an older xb. $100

The belt is the same as the 1125, right? He shouldn't need the chain conversion unless he's going to be putting more than 130hp to the ground. If you do it, it's about $1000 dollars to do it right I think.

$500-$1000 for a clutch that is appropriate to be reliable for that amount of power.

So you are looking at about 7000-8000 dollars plus lots of hours of your own time and labor to make something that would do 160mph.
The belt is the same as the 1125, right? He shouldn't need the chain conversion unless he's going to be putting more than 130hp to the ground. If you do it, it's about $1000 dollars to do it right I think.


No one suggested the chain conversion because of power output. Also the belts are not the same from XB to 1125. The chain drive was suggested because you can change your final drive for higher top speed or more acceleration. Thank you for the input, but regardless of everything you suggested, at 200hp the bike would still not do 160mph. Increasing the redline might get you close, so at least that part was true.