on a VERY tight budget

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Right. Top speed is dictated by final drive ratio and engine rpm. Increasing engine rpm will increase top speed a little, changing gear ratios (via chain conversion) will have a slightly greater effect. Though, by the time you geared it high enough to reach 160mph, it would accelerate pretty poorly without greatly increasing horsepower. It might go really fast, but it'd take a while to get there. By the time you built an xb to *go* fast as well as *accelerate* fast, you'll be many thousands of dollars into a build. Many, many thousands. Like, enough thousands to buy a second bike and insure it.

If you want to go 160+ mph, you bought the wrong bike. Take the $6k +/- you'd spend building the snot out of the Buell and buy yourself a nice used liter bike to kill yourself on. Gear a modern liter bike so it accelerates like a 600 (still faster than an xb9 after it winds up) and you've got a solid 160+ mph bike after $250 in mods.
Ooh, maybe slap an NWA sticker on it! That's good for 5mph by itself, and the police will really appreciate it!
Sorry for the inaccuracies, but my point was the sum total of what it would take to make the xb9 even remotely close to able to run from the police like that, you could by a used busa and go outrun the helicopters. Not that i'm advocating such shenanigans, just saying the xb9 is not a police escape vehicle.
I cant BELIEVE I miss this thread!!! My mind is spinning...

Dude, sell that XB9 off to someone who knows what its good for.. and then take the money and buy you a used 'BUSA! Next time you see the cops HIT IT!!.. take that ****** up to like 200mph.. they will NEVER CATCH YOU!! Weve built some badass Busas on this group.. me and Theycallmecrash one time even made a GXXR Goblin bike that you would ******* LOVE.. it was built from day one to out run pigs..